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Posts posted by autorotate

  1. Would like add... I feel that the "wear in tub and wear to dry" allows more input on waist stretch and overall fit in the top block. I have made special effort to avoid flexing of my knees to avoid bags. Overall, an inexpensive way to spend the night in T-town.

  2. Couple of weeks ago bought a pair of 31x36 S0500xx and wore them in the tub for an hour as hot as I could take it. Top block and thighs were great, but it really slimmed down over my calves. I don't have a powerlifter's lower half, but I am not skinny for sure. Anyway, I felt they were too slim. Bought a pair of S0510xx tonight and already feel confident that these will fit better in the lower half. Did the same this time... bit of salt, hot as I could take it, an hour with some good music and a bottle of wine.

    I am so very fortunate to live and work in Tokyo and have Ueno in my backyard for such "adventures". Or am I?

  3. Bathed with the S0500's tonight. 30 mins with a splash of Woolite Dark. Turned up the heat in my office, made a mat of towels to lay on and played some podcasts and drank a beer and a couple of glasses of wine. Cuffs are still damp, but everything else is mostly dry. Paid extra attention to avoiding the flexing of my knees, and despite this, still came out with some knee bags... Soooo... looking at some WAYWT pics from a side-on perspective, it seem that most folks contend with this affliction. Not gonna lie, it's not as bad as I feared. My STF 501 are worse, and even then, not that big a deal.

    Oh yeah, post-bath, everything stretched well, however, from the knee down it is rather tight... Perhaps what I might have expected from a 710.

    Nevertheless, pretty stoked, gonna wear under my flight suit tomorrow. No one should notice, It will look like I'm wearing thick thermals... Ha!

  4. Went to Ueno and grabbed a pair of S0500 in 31x36 from Americaya. Waist was a tight fit in the dressing room, but starting to ease here at home now that I have had them on for an hour or so.

    I am really liking the higher rise on this model. I also tried on the S0510 and the S5000 in 17 oz. After a disastrous experience with a pair of 34x36 (huge waist) S5000VX21oz., I am wary to get back into that fit.

    Soaking these guys tomorrow after work.

    Also had a natural deerhide rein made for my new natural Wins House long wallet. Brass hardware and with minimal flare on the bitter end.

    Looking forward to some Kirin Tanrei's and hot bath tomorrow night... Ha!

  5. Greetings,

    Just dropped off two pairs (Redwing steel toe black engineers and a 16 year-old pair of Georgia loggers) of boots at Fukurojuku in Minami Senju. Really impressed with the work on hand as well as their hospitality. After completing the specifics of my order, I was invited out to lunch and had soba with the proprietor and his wife.

    Two months to complete, but it will certainly be worth the wait.

    Oh yeah, he had a sic 1980 HD shovel head out front. Unknown miles cuz the odometer fell of while riding a couple years ago... haha.

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