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Posts posted by mallaw

  1. 1) dad diagnosed with prostate cancer

    2) my grandmas alzheimer is so far progressed that she's not able to eat, drink or speak. i visited her yesterday and it was pretty damn heart breaking. ffuu

    My father went through a bout of Prostate Cancer just going on two years ago. It looked bad, but things are on the up and up now and seems like he's passed it. I hope/ am sure that everything goes smoothly for yours and in a couple years it will just be serving as a reminder to never let your family drift too far way. I'm sure that the early detection will be crucial in this, and I wish you and yours all the best and that blind luck you won't need.

  2. "letting people borrow something and them beating the hell out of it and give it back to you like nothings wrong"

    or when they're like, "oh hey, i lent that to so-and-so, that's cool right?"

  3. brown leather pants

    marlboro belt buckle

    a killer dashiki

    shark tooth necklace

    leather jack with tassels

    sick 80s oakleys

    beat up cowboy hat

    and reebok pumps

    no socks

    and a smoke and a tumbler of woodford

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