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Posts posted by TM4RT

  1. who actually tells someone they hate their haircut? let alone an entire class of people

    shit aint stackin up.

    idk, in the US nobody would talk shit on it, but I live in Panama now and people are more open/rude about others' appearances here.

    forreal, people seriously were like "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HEAD?!" that quote coming from one of my teachers... yeah.

  2. newhair.jpg

    Got my hair cut almost a week ago. When I went back to class everyone hated it completely and most of them even told me. I like it though.

    Sooo... opinions? suggestions? tips to avoid Canadian pop star hair?

  3. IMG_3325-1.jpg

    Been lurking on SF for a few days now, first post.

    What should I do with my hair?

    I've had it similar to this since 8th grade, I'm almost done with high school now, looking for something new.

    Edit: People have been giving me shit for it lately because of the similarity to Justin Bieber's hair. So yeah, any style but this really.

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