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Posts posted by nativebelle

  1. Hey, just soaked my first pair of raw denim (LVC 1954 501Z) and they've come out kind of weird. This might just be the way they are supposed to be, but I'm not quite sure. The "side seam" (or whatever you'd call it) on the left leg of my jeans curves inward so that the selvedge that shows is closer to the middle of my foot than to the side of my ankle like it's supposed to. The two legs are definitely asymmetrical. I don't really know whether to soak it again, or try to return a faulty product. Hopefully these photos will illustrate what I'm talking about.


    Here's a good first look - you can see that the right leg inseam stitching is normal, while you can't even see it on the left leg from the top view.


    Here the right leg looks fine.


    But the left is totally off - that side seam is almost in the middle of the leg opening, and the brown stitching is nowhere to be seen - it's almost like the left leg has been rotated counterclockwise into the bed.

    Did I screw up? Can I change this? Or am I calling up cultizm? Any help would be really appreciated.

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