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30960 ridiculously popular

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  • location:
    Neath - South Wales
  • denim
    size 34
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    x large
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    us 10.5 uk 10 eu 44 jp 28

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  1. Can someone help me date the 55 please? The wash care to the left suggests a newer pair, just been delivered from eBay TIA
  2. I've had two pairs of MiJ LVC and the leg shrinking is nuts compared to cone denim, if you want a cuff an need over 31 inch leg to do so, you've had it nowadays with MiJ
  3. Anyone know of a stockist of the 54 in a 36 x 36? Been out of stock on the Levi’s uk site for a while, in a 36 waist but they have the 36 length. tia
  4. The pre order does say they will add belt loops if you choose them (but no refunds)
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