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baron von korff

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Posts posted by baron von korff

  1. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_4mc1vtVDbEg/S_VlHs1CfLI/AAAAAAAAAQ8/HyHBnSmPC3U/s800/IMG_2202.JPG

    shes wearing a Levis white top with a pair of vintage selvage HBT overalls i found at flea market. not sure of the brand as the buttons are generic. possibly formost? or some other 40s work wear brand...any ideas?

    Im wearing a RRL white T stronghold braces and LVC 33's

    thanks for the comments from my last post! those hickory stripes are made by Tommy Hilfiger, which i found at a thrift store. how do you run into randy Jackson and NOT get his autograph?

  2. hey been so many great fits lately, cant rep! found out from an authority, finally, that boots are 40's era san quentin prison boots! so stoked some one may have murdered in my shoes! my comp got a virus so here is a few pics from the past week or so...


    RRL chambray

    strong hold braces

    dickies duck work pants

    prison boots


    vintage american field barn coat

    target shirt(really sweet actually for only 24 bucks)

    strong hold braces

    LVC 33's

    prison boots


    hobo beanie

    RRL chambray

    thrift store hickry pants

    1931 PF flyers

  3. dont feel like taking pics right now, but a good part of wht i wear on a day to day basis is thrifted.

    ME TOO! haha well it used to be true. before i worked at RRL, i worked at a polo store, 90% of my "preppy shit" came from thrift. rep ties, oxfords, brooks bros...such an easy style to pull off completely from thrift stores.

  4. post pics of your sweetest thrift scores! i will as soon as i get my camera working again. selvage roebucks denim western shirt, selvage foremost denim jacket, filson coats, pea coats cool shoes "that look better with age" too....

  5. I thought that was the point of superdenim.

    Jacket doesn't actually look that bad.

    dressing like a hobo in the great depression...redic? or do we belong to a secret society? tell me when your walkin down the street and you spot another member in full regalia, there isnt a silent nod...? no one gets it.

  6. im really not up to date on LVC happenings. i have pictures saved from a year ago from dust and wrath... like scans from a look book. they are fucking awesome. anyone a=have any newer LVC look book pictures?

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