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Posts posted by philjay

  1. Looking at your posts so far you've crossed the line from chilling out to trolling.

    It's not serious business, but at least have a sense of purpose when you waste time on the internet :P

    Busted. I'll stick to lurking now :)

  2. has been my fashion wet dream for so long, have been wearing non stop all week


    all rAf SiMoNs

    See above.

    People who tYpE lIkE tHiS.

    People who dress from one brand, that outfit looks thrifted (minus shoes) and it probably cost well over a thousand dollars.

  3. First of all:

    was it this.........?

    You honestly think I give a fuck about what you wore today?

    For real, real?


    Prospecting for steez.

    You’re drinking a Sierra Nevada.

    Somewhere near Flatbush.

    Prospecting for chicks with septum piercings.


    What is wrong with you? Vag envy?

    Your comments have nothing to do with her clothes.

    Why does it matter how she stands?

    You want everybody to assume the raw-denim, cowboy stance?

    At least she puts in a good effort to share her fits with us...

    Let's see you guys contribute something useful.

    and everyone else:


    Chillooooouuuuuuuuuut :). Not like people are actually angry because we all have lives off this forum...or am I the only one who visits this forum for waywt denim, worst waywt, and superfap threads?

  4. email from my supervisor:

    "Hi all,

    You can leave at 2.30pm tomorrow. This is not announced by the company, so make sure to keep it to yourselves and not tell everyone in the office..especially in the lunch room. Don’t make it too obvious and do not rush and leave at the same time."


    Next email at 6pm:

    Oh, the reason for the early finish to the day:

    You're all fired. LOLOLOLOLOL

  5. So I know this is a bit of a repost (posted a similar thing in supertrash) but I thought I could get a better response here.

    So it's not a blister, and it's only on my right foot. Essentially it feels like when my foot is about to get off the ground, at the furthest point back in a step, the back of the boot is pushing down on my achilles tendon and it's pretty painfull (feels internal rather than surface pain). Thing is it's really on and off. Any ideas?

    I've been told to simply breaking them in which ranges from wearing them, to soaking and wearing them etc. Just wondering if anyone had different advice.

    3 second diagram to clarify:


    Thanks very much guys!

  6. So it's not a blister, and it's only on my right foot. Essentially it feels like when my foot is about to get off the ground, at the furthest point back in a step, the back of the boot is pushing down on my achilles tendon and it's pretty painfull. Thing is it's really on and off. Anyone else have that? Any ideas?

  7. Hi SUFU,

    I'm currently a Film Student at NYU and was wondering if anyone knew of artisans within Manhattan. I am really interested in ballet point-shoe makers and thought I'd take a long shot by asking if anyone knew of any.



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