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Posts posted by hibernate

  1. I bought these last December and only wore them less than 30 times (i spend most of my time either wearing scrubs and white shoes or my desert boots).

    The "spots" on the toeboxes are really just spots (from liquor) and can be cleaned.

    US size 7.5, sorry for leaving it out in the title

    Original box is included

    $160>>$140 shipped (in the states)

    PM me any questions





  2. hoping to get some feedback on my fit, it's been almost 2 years of wear on these. feeling a bit tight in the thighs since i started hitting the gym since about last december. i weighed about 141 when i got them (october 09) and right now i'm at about 160.



    i feel like it's borderline too tight, but i guess i feel like i'm just convincing myself that they work since they've been with me for so long, plus a new pair is quite costly.

    so sufu i ask you, yay or nay to my fit?

    sorry for the plethora (and topless) of pictures

  3. BSPs are the truth! I've worn mine to shit for the past 2.5 years and will keep on keeping on. my next pair of japanese denim will most likely be another pair of BSPs

    pics of 2.5 year bsps or it didn't happen

  4. random stuff and some repairs/need-to-be-repairs






    last but not least, fit pic!



    edit: these haven't been getting much love in the past 5 months, i've been having to wear scrubs or slacks/button up to school/clinical settings

  5. I think i've enjoyed every fit on the past 3 pages! You guys are all looking great!

    Not a whole lot happening today, it's suppose to be 79 degrees today :( WTH is up with Texas weather??

    i feel you on the houston weather, it's as sporadic as a girl on her period! i just want some snow, but i guess that's asking too much of the weather

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