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party with tina

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Posts posted by party with tina

  1. the twisty light tower is awesome

    what 3d program do use? ive been using blender - id like to learn some of the more advanced ones but i dont really want to take another class on 3d, especially since it would probably be focused on animation.

    I use C4D, as well as ZBrush which I find has a much more intuitive interface but is intended more for sculpting models as opposed to setting up entire scenes.


    Digital Cave Painting 2011

  2. just to add on to that- it's not to say that i think these works have no immediate aesthetic value, but i find the overall impact of the piece is enriched if it has a strong conceptual basis. It is in this sense that i think of conceptual art as an egalitarian pursuit, as anybody can have good idea (although the standards by which a "good idea" are judged is a completely different matter all together)

  3. Yeah, the heavy conceptual focus of a lot of net art doesn't necessarily translate into immediate aesthetic value, however, i often some of the essays that accompany these works to be inspiring and somewhat insightful.

    e.g. http://ilikethisart.net/ which features both installation and digital works alongside an artist's statement

    or http://122909a.com/ which has almost too many essays on the effects wrought by information and communication technologies (internet etc) on art- decentralization, the dissolution of the "original copy", physicality of the internet, etc very interesting

  4. party with tina, dope. like all you work.

    I'm wondering though: who or what started the bust thing? like lines and other geometric overlays and shit over white busts. I've seen so much of it through lots of different artists in the last couple years atleast.

    My personal interpretation has to do with the juxtaposition of antiquity and modernity- a lot of contemporary net art appears (to me, at least) to be self-referential in nature and draws from a wide variety of aesethetic elements to produce a distinct, cohesive whole.

    For example, this image by Bea Fremderman places a classical aesthetic form in a contemporary context:


    you can see the rest of that series here: http://beafremderman.com/pages/virtual.html

    and more here: http://thestate.tumblr.com/

    very good

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