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ethnic cleanser

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Posts posted by ethnic cleanser

  1. Unattractive virgins with high standards.

    Having to see my parents during the holidays.

    Lack of money due to accidentally breaking something expensive.

    Lack of nicotine in bloodstream due to lack of money.

  2. You are right. That is why i didn't care and it was appropriate for that situation. I was asking what the limit on change was because I wanted to know what to do in a different situation.

    You are also right about my fucking love for smoking.

    Being right doesn't help me at all though and help is the only thing i asked for.

  3. I stated that I do not expect change from a girl in the second sentence which i hoped would make the question proposed in the first sentence more clear. The answer you have given has no value because i used convoluted grammer and you misunderstood me slightly.

    Cigarettes and lying are irrelevant to the question. It was irrelevant to the relationship in question as well because the relationship was scheduled to die on an exact date anyways.

  4. What is the limit for changing habits and personality for a girl? I won't change and never ask for or expect change. I mean, come on, quitting stoges is just too much to ask for. She might as well have my dick cut and pickled. And girl, don't get all mad and shit if I lie about quitting and I get caught up. Do not even consider pulling me with that crying bullshit. Fuck that. It aint gonna work cause its MOB bitch the mother fucking MOB M O B.

  5. some of these guys need to stop talking shit and over-intellectualizing movies though. it's a fucking movie, enjoy it. you are not going to find answers to the mystery of life in a fucking movie. no one should expect that from a movie. not even from the "artsy" ones.

    Citizen Kane and Toy Story are two examples of movies that deal with the "mystery of life" and are far from "artsy".

  6. Talking to Mr. Arrogance. Here are some quotes:

    "I'm 90% sure im gonna fuck A tonight"

    Some other dude makes out with her. He gets no action.

    "I brought 2 condoms for tonight. One for A and the other for her good friend B"

    Slept on the couch alone.

    "hey wanna come chill?"

    "are there any girls there"

    "uhh no"

    "call me when the girls come"

  7. The body of the female in question is superb and makes up for what i perceive to be a rather awkward jaw line. It does not however make up for the nose ring and the lip stick color.

  8. The blu e cigs work but are not worth the price and they are always behind on shipping. There seems to be a consensus that the joye 510 is unbeatable for the price. The only thing i ever hear about the 510 is that it's bomb. Its cheap too. You only need like 60 bucks at most to get yourself started. They even have a charge pack like the blu pack. The only problem is that you gotta fill the cartridges with nicotine solution by yourself.

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