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Posts posted by duckfeet

  1. Hello all,

    Will be paying by paypal (+4%) --- Please PM me here and I'll get back to you as soon as possible

    1. A daypack

    Preferably from Japan as my brother is into that whole streetwear/supreme/etc scene (it's a birthday gift for him). Looking to spend <$150

    need this by November 20th.

    2. White Mountaineering Scarf

    3. Porter Briefcase/messanger bag (need this for work as my hurricane Sandy pwnt my older messanger).

    Thanks all

  2. These in size 43


    CONUS only, need these gone fast to pay for college texts.

    Used off an on for a while --- well taken care of --- no stupid shit like running around in the snow &c &c.

    pics are here : http://www.flickr.com/photos/56506266@N05/sets/72157625818728726/

    Price: $330 including fed ex priority and paypal fee

    CONUS only, need these gone fast to pay for college texts.

    pm w/ questions

  3. i'm distinctly prescient, but i somehow go against this and continually put myself in situations that --- although initially seem excellent --- wind up weighing me down. in the past, my family has blessed me with a move to somewhere else, giving me a fresh start that i approach with a certain hope that i won't put myself in the aforementioned situations.

    wondering if i should peace out on all my friends/gf and start anew...

  4. So im blazed, And I need help finding the photographer of these pictures:

    Naked girl with long brown hair, on the floor, playing with an unbroken egg yolk, also cowered in flour.

    Two naked in girls playing in autumn leaves on the floor.

    Naked girl trapped in a surann wrap covered bathtub,trying to get out.

    Spell check saved my life in this post

    Thanks in advance guys.

  5. I thought Georgia's white trash were the worst...

    ...but this guy I just saw in my local (NoVa) 7-11 tops any piece of shit I saw while I lived in my former state.

    I walk in to get some caffeine and see this entirely gangly looking dude.

    No shirt, pants hanging off his ass (despite the fact he has a belt) and some briefs pulled up far too high.

    Did I mention he wasn't wearing a shirt?

    So I'm thinking to myself "alright, whatever - just a local douche" until I see on his back (because he isn't wearing a shirt) a huge tattoo that reads:



    Seriously. It was...huge. Took about half of his upper back.

    Does it get much trashier than that?

    Why yes it does:

    He purchased about three or four 40ozs and had a couple 24ozs of some flavored malt drink (probably for the underage girls he was undoubtedly trying to sex up)

    Never before in my entire life have I desired so strongly to have a camera.

    This motherfucker needs to be seen by the rest of the internet.

  6. here is a poem a wrote for a creative writing class


    Every spirit induces a heave,

    Prompts a fanciful sensation of such

    Sublime content, and wastes parties naive.

    Without spirit, gathering is too much.

    One spirit is surely safe, reliable,

    But this spirit leads to further spirit.

    A glut of spirit is too unstable!

    Besides, spirit is use-less, bit by bit.

    Finding a balance of spirit is chief,

    Such that one is able suffer enough

    Spirit to pass out of hazy disbelief,

    To loosen up and to be enough.

    Fear not enjoying a plastered task,

    For an imbibed spirit grants a mask.

  7. Anyone on here go to UVA?

    The majority of people here wear either the frat-boy style cloths or the high-school senior nikeshirtjcrewshortsdunkswithlowsocks deal, so I probably would have noticed any of the steezyer kids.

    entering my 4th(senior) year--- made the mistake of putting off my premed classes for a year ( wanted to get acclimated 1st year), and now I have to work like a bitch as everyone parties.

    if anyone is ever coming down to Charloettesville, shoot me a pm

  8. ^happens to me all the time--- when you do go to sleep it will be fantastic

    I fucking hate it when i get shitty sleep--- the type of sleep where your dreams are so vivid that it seems like you can feel them.

    I can't really remember what the dream was, but like two days ago i felt something just tapping on my face--- woke up to my roommate telling me its 1;00.

    needless to say, I was groggy as fuck that entire day--- just a little off.

  9. go out, try some new things at new places with new people, or go back to the old things with the old people you used to hang with--- a night of drunken debauchery with friends is a must.

    keep your mind occupied. don't let yourself get into the 'blame game' over the reasons for this breakup, which will lead you to think about her more, which will lead to you feeling like shit.

    alcohol works here, but that isn't the best idea.

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