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Posts posted by epauletshop

  1. also questioning what i should treat them with^

    any ideas greatly appreciated

    After cleaning them with a damp towel/ rag, I would suggest using Pecards or Obenauf's. Ps, those things look thrashed! You will surely enjoy them even more once you treat them. Can't wait to see their outcome...

  2. I'm in a size 8 in Barrie ,.... will this translate to a different size for any of the other lasts?

    I want to see a pebble grain oxford with commando sole... does this exist?

    only thing similar to this is the LS x Alden safari boot, if i recall correctly

    Alden has a ton of different lasts, but the most common equivalents to the US8 Barrie would be:

    US8 - Tru-Balance

    US8.5 - Leydon

    US8.5 - Aberdeen

    US8.5 - Plaza

    Most of the interesting shoes you see from Alden come from stores with accounts like ourselves. We do not currently have anything like a pebble grain oxford w/ commando sole in the works, but someone else might...

    Damn! about time (subscribed!) now we have alot of ground to cover...

    lasts, leathers, soles!

    lets see some knee down WAYWT shots? EVO?

    Thanks Vin. Damn straight we do! I cannot wait to see what surfaces...

    Great video, always nice to see a little insight.

    Thank you sir. We really enjoyed making it and am glad you liked it.

  3. Hey everyone,

    Since we couldn't find one, we figured that it's high time for an "Official Alden Thread" here on Superfuture.

    We're huge fans of the brand and we felt that having a dedicated thread for ALL different types of Alden footwear would be great. A place to discuss sizing of different styles and lasts, upcoming releases, distributors, care, evolution, etc...

    Below is an Alden factory visit documentary that we shot back in '09. If you haven't already seen it, then check it out - it's a great way to get more insight into the company, their process, and its products. Enjoy!

  4. Did everyone jump on the bandwagon and pick up a pair of those Thorogoods? Cause I am going to Epaulet today and he majority of sizes from yesterday to then today are gone! Hope the size they have left fit me well otherwise I will be punching myself for the rest of the day for not ordering them last night.

    We seem to have sold a bunch and after updating our stock, it looks like the biggest size we have left is a US10...

    Edit: Glad to see you, and happy the 10's worked out! Cheers

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