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Posts posted by alv407

  1. Hello ALL Happy New Year. Hoping to get some correct info please?

    The stats on the Jawnns are;

    Almost perfect condition LEE 101 B Jeans. Late 90´s repro.

    No holes, stains or rips, wased one time so they won´t shrink anymore, just the real measurements.

    @Waist: 18.5" laid flat, 37" around

    Inseam: 32"

    Full length: 44"


    sorry if it don't work, if not i'l tryit this way. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300515905324&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT

    please hewlp any info if the euro or JPn or if the quaility is just as good . Basically any info will help regarding these Lee's well REP & LOVE you or LIFE. paz

  2. Hi again, i have a pair of SC 45 lee button fly. I believe these are no longer in production, which is suck its a shame they no longer fit me also , the measurements are about 17.5 across give or take a 1/4 inch in waist & 32 length, practically brand new. If anyone is interested in a trade for a bigger size of the Sc 45. Let me know I would prefer same model slightly bigger but open to any vintage LEE denim. In a similiar size. Thanks you for any help. regards ALV..

    WOW I just reread my post while I was on some pain meds, Note to self do not post while on pain meds lol Thanks again!

  3. HI beet & I concur w/ the previous statement even though we are all guilty of cutting corners from time to time. Best advice my trainer thought me was patience in all aspects of life including one so vain as purchasing clothes/boots. His words not mine, since we have had similar heated debates over this manner. we might not clearly see eye to eye on certain subjects. But he did instill in me to sacrifice now in order to reap the rewards. You must be patient instead of purchasing something of sub pare craftsman ship as well as quality. This could work out buying another brand which you are unfamiliar. It can be a gamble but whats life w/o the thought of winning or losing his earning. My suggestion is grab your cock & balls & wait it out until reaching for your wallet. Most of us have made this mistake in the beginning, But with years of exp comes wisdom follows. Which eludes me from time to time. Remember good things come to those who wait. Also look on E bay, have a H.N.Y. my friend . Take care to you and yours.

  4. Hello all, I have a ? that needs answering. Do all Lee Jelt dungarees all have, the "carpenter look" where you would hang your hammer or other tools off of them? Are there any minus the "carpenter look"? any info on this be greatly appreciated as well as repped. Thanks to all who care to help. My best wishes to you & your love ones in 2011. And may I add what wonderfulposts the past week, always look forward to more. Regards ALV.

  5. I wanna say I bought something off hm 6 mths or a year ago, as far as I know he seems legit, but at the end of the you just don't know nowadays. Been looking for a similar jacket but due to the southern heat it won't be a good buy since I'll only wear it for a month max off and on. I might go after a pair of Warehouse lee denim . I still would like to know if the price is worth it. Any on know, I need a pair of lee since my SC 45 no longer fit my ass. Thanks for the info. BTW Merry Christmas Paul T and all the greats.

  6. Hi, guys & gals. I Have a pair of the old SC1945 lee which are discontinued. Unfortunately they fit a little tight at the waist, which are 34-35". Does any one know if they are Sanforized & wont shrink after wash. I am hesitant to sell them cus of my love affair with them & there exclusivity. Should I hold onto them in hopes of losing weight. Or sell them down the line & get a similar cut from Samurai,Warehouse,or McCoy. Help needed. Thanks.

    BTW I would be interested in trades for a 37 or 38 after shrinkage of course has taken place. Or any reasonable offers will be considered .

    Thanks for you patience and input. So here is you opportunity for a great pair of lefty denim, In my opinion are the greastest denim SC has come out with in a while. Any offers will be considered. Cash or Trade. Thanks "ALV".

  7. Yeah I really need to sell these, trying to get a bigger size. I am not 20 anymore. I'll hold on to them b4 I take a big loss in hopes of losing weight, I just love these. Thanks BF.

    Any reasonable offer will be considered. Thanks

  8. Selling a pair a Denime from BIG I got recently, size 34x33 chainstiched hem. Almost new, gently worn approximately 5 or 6x. Has some light lap creases, but all the indigo is there. Never washed cold soaked once. Need to sell, gained some weight. Any ?'s please let me know email is alv407@yahoo or just pm me here . $250 shipped. If you are interested let me know. I will give you any necessary info you need, will post some pics tonight They measure 35.5 at waist & I figure the measurements haven't changed much. Thanks.

  9. Seven sorry to hear about it. But you were in southy & at the BMC no less, Guarantee you might see someone wearing them or selling them by the Dunkin Donuts or out front. Only in Southy would someone steal your denim & leave your cash! At least it didn't happen in the middle of winter.

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