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Ergo Sum

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Posts posted by Ergo Sum

  1. Haven't talk to my ex in a month. The threeish times I've asked if she wanted to skype she said she was too busy. We got together in April and decided it wasn't worth it to stay together when I went to college. The feelings are going away.

    This is aided by the fact that she's an emotional robot. No feelings status. Chalk her up on the list of crazies I've gotten involved with.

  2. sorry... this post sucks.. very typical

    and you sound like you're trying too hard to write a 'good' confession.. you were just expecting "some ass"? and what, you were gonna get it at the movies? you may want to rethink your choice to come to america, picking up girls isn't as easy as in sudan...

    I'm sorry, "good" confessional? Being bummed about sexual frustration is not grounds for lighthearted confessions? Also it was finna be a movie night at my house, not going to an actual movie theatre....In Sudan I'd have just gotten my janjaweed buds and knocked her out and that's the end of that...fucking americans making things too serious. That video is gold

  3. Confession: I was macking on this girl I met on Halloween. We hang out one night, turns out she's into me. We have a movie night planned for some indeterminate point in the future. Bad idea, it never actually happens. She bails on me two days before our date because she forgot about it and was babysitting. Since then she's just seemed uninterested. I mean, I wasn't expecting much out of this girl besides some ass, and she made it pretty clear she was into me and it's been 6 months. So I'm salty as fuck.

    That combined with most of the attractive girls I know being cut off for fear of damaging social situations and I've just been in a sort of funk. I need interesting women to chase or a girlfriend, but it's my last year of high school and I don't want to commit. Don't know if I can, I've become so fucking cynical. It's hard to really feel like I'm feeling deeply, why would I want to put a girl through that sort of emotional bullshit? So I've been in sort of a funk for a while. Everything just seems so meaningless. Eh, I'll get over it.

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