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Posts posted by cord13

  1. i don't like being sold big nugs like that. the last time I picked up a quarter, dude tried to give me one huge 7g nug. I told him to break it down, and it turns out that stem was fucking thick.

    stems are a fact of life. suck it up. If I went to my guy and asked him to de-stem my weed before he weighed it, he'd laugh in my face. You cali bitches are getting WAY too spoiled.

    First world problems: weed edition

  2. I've had vape edibles. it just makes you really tired. the uplifting, happy set of chemicals go out when you vape it, and whats left is a groggy body high.

    anyways, the Republican presidential debates are coming up, and they're allowing people to submit questions. vote for the NORML question on this link, and see if we can't put a little extra heat on those conservative scumbags.


  3. my roommate has punched me in the head, cockblocks me, and screams at me everytime she gets drunk. not to mentions she owes me the last two months rent. AND i'm living with her next year :(

  4. and i love chris smith, hes hilarious. not my type of thing but it looks good

    Chris is the man. I got it when i was staying at a friend's house in Chicago, and they were telling me about another tattoo parlor there that they really liked. I'd been wanting to get one for a while, but i didn't know what I wanted, and while looking for ideas i saw:


    which is what I took to chris. I actually went in as a walk-in and chris, who happened to be the only artist who wasn't busy, drew it and did it in about 3 hours.

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