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Posts posted by torontoguy

  1. I think the vast majority of people just flicker out forever and that's that. I suspect that SOME rare individuals carry on as what we traditionally call "ghosts", electromagnetic fields that record the essence of the person's mind. these hang around for a while, probably not really self-aware, until they eventually fade away too. This happens either because of the violent way in which they died, or because the individual was such a strong personality, or perhaps because off the unusually high degree of attachment to a certain place they may have.

  2. You know those random, mundane things that a girl/boy does that totally pushes your button? Like if someone does that thing, then it equals instant physical attraction? Those things that are totally not necessarily suggestive but give your limbic system a total green light?


    Two words: PINK HAIR!!

    Pink hair, dyed or wigs, whatever - so freakin' erotic and suggestive it's hard to resist immediately approaching a girl like that. I did so one and was chatting her up, and found out this chick was 14!! It took a lot of willpower to back off, slowly........

  3. I can't freakin stand that everywhere you go now they have stuck up large tv sets. In malls, in individual stores, doctors offices, street corners, public squares, back seats of minivans, etc. etc.

    You know what? Watching tv is ok, but I really don't need a flickering screen 24/7. My mind can see and think all kinds of interesting things without the same old advertising crap constantly glowing in the background.

    Burn 'em! :eek:


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