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Posts posted by Aparke612

  1. Waso, I think that is a very unsure topic, before i got my NS hemmed i tried to find the answer but i couldnt. people told me they would shrink and others said they wouldnt

  2. So i just received my first pair of APC NS. Theyre amazing, the denim is very high quality, the color is great, and I like the fit. But damn these are stiff!

    the only knock on them is that they are way too long. Im going to need to get these hemmed by atleast 4 inches. do I need to wait until they stretch? or until after the first wash?

  3. I live nowhere near anywhere that I could try some on. and even if I did, if they stretch a ton would it even be worth it?

    EDIT: Ok I know I'm going to buy a pair. Whats a good site to buy them from?

  4. Ive finally decided that I'm going to get a pair of APCs but i cant decide on Rescue or NS, I want slim but not too slim and I havent been able to get a good feel of which to get from any pics that i have seen. Which would suit me better?

  5. Oh ok, then they will probably fit well, Im more of a stocky build and I play alot of sports and work out alot so there is a lot of muscule mass in my legs.

    I dont want baggy jeans, just not the skin tight tapered looking ones which i think are the new cures so i shouldnt have to worry about that

  6. I think I wanna get a pair of NS but I'm worried about them being too skinny and tapered looking like skinny jeans. Is this a legitimate concern, or will they stretch to fit me well?

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