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Posts posted by woody^^

  1. ben rorke is on my list, trust me (though I think he is on everyone's around here). haven't heard of mitch13 though, will have to check him out.

    Think you can post some more of your right arm ADH?

  2. man, you have some absolutely amazing work.

    Went and got my Bert Krak rose touched up today (back in brisbane). dude who did it was one of the nicest guys i have met in a long time... makes me want to go back and get some real work done

  3. Thinking of putting together a nice EDC set up for my buddy's 21st. He went beyond all out for mine so I'm looking at getting him some nice stuff. Recommendations?

    Flashlight - Would like copper or Ti.

    Knife - Got him a more ornamental pocket knife a few years ago. Would like something along the lines of a gentleman's folder, but we definitely look at some more heavy duty stuff (but nothing too imposing. I'm in Australia and knives just aren't as common)

    Keychain - Will probably just get a leather loop + ring. Though what's the newest iteration of the coolhook?

    and maybe a multi of some sort?

    Thinking a might also try track down an Atwood or something too. He loves that kind of shit.

    All up budget including shipping down under? $4-500.

    Any help is appreciated guys!!!

  4. small world! looks like you made all the important stops in NYC.

    Haha we tried!

    Speaking of a small world, I went to talk to a the dude that's going to fix me up the other day... He had a tattoo by Eli Quinters

  5. haha yep, popping back in would cost me several thousand bucks I sure as shit don't have (anymore).

    sup AJ? I was the australian guy that got some skulls repaired and RingRings hemmed.

  6. haha i know, i know. it's just knowing it isn't spot on, you know? plus this was my first so i imagine i'm going through the newbie freakout.

    well and truly caught the bug though.

  7. I didn't take any pictures of it in the parlour, so the best I could do at the moment would be some nearly healed up ones (with the missing colour). Thinking I will probably head in to see Luke Muller at True Love in Brisbane to see if he will fix me up. He did some work on my brother that looks nice, plus he's apparently a pretty good guy.

    I was tossing up between what I got from Bert (a rose) and a dagger from Eli. Bert barely won... Eli does some great stuff. Wish I was ready for it when he visited Aus recently

    Edit: Decided to just post a current picture. sort shitty but the best I can do at the moment. i'm at about 12 days now. The red is what has mainly dropped out.


    HA. just realised what this may look like. I want to be clear that it is my upper arm, not upper thigh

  8. just got back from a trip to NY and a visit to Bert Krak at Smith St. Love it, but sadly due to (I assume) my shirt rubbing while healing, I have had a fair bit of colour drop out of parts. Am going to get it touched up once as soon as it's healed by someone at home... Lesson learned.

  9. Ooookay I'm looking for an unbiased opinion here. Been doing the fairly typical pomp thing for a while, but I'm really not sure it suits my head. Love the style, not sure about it on me. Opinions? 2nd picture is a comparison on a day where didn't bother.



    inb4 remove lip ring

  10. So after seeing ADH92's work, I have decided to book in at Smithstreet when I visit NY in a few months. Need some advice though - if you had an approaching ~20hr flight, would you get tattooed a week in advance or as close to the flight as possible? Long flights are shitty enough as is.

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