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Posts posted by washboy87

  1. Hey,

    Just wanted to say yes, i did apply ozone. At our laundry we have an ozone generator hooked up to one of the washing machines. ozone basically kills things, which is why it brightens up the pant. The best example would be making a wash with rips. After creating the holes and washing, the fill yarn turns blue, a few minutes in ozone would cure that. Anyway, just wondering, what would make question that?

  2. I guess i am contridicting myself with the "lingo," but also, one is lingo, one is an actual term used in the clothing industry.

    Also it was asked if those are natural whiskers... the answer is no, if you go back to the first page i talked about making the whiskers on a machine....

    But, i am putting my levis on hold after i sprayed potassium again and bleached them down a little more, Instead i will be posting a job i am doing for a friend on some rag and bones. As per superfutures request i dipped them in resin and asked him to wear them wet to create his own natural whisker patern, I hope you guys like this one more....





  3. Not knocking you at all, but you just dont have goals when it comes to your jeans and that IS the difference. Something I was taught to look for in a true vintage jean is the contrast. To me, someone who wore their jeans for years without ever washing would have the best contrast, which is what I like. Again not knocking anyone, just stating my opinion.

  4. The chevron is the whisker that cones from your thighs and goes down your leg. I don't know what you call them here.

    As for that last picture posted, yes the camera quality is 1000x better, but my jeans have the same wear but more contrast, which is the ultimate goal of a raw Jean, at least in my opinion. Again, I wear raw, 6 days a week and am breaking in a pair of 47s as we speak.

  5. Your internet banging doesnt scare me. Im not going to stop posting. I brought back this thread and as said before, if you dont like it, "my advice is to take it elsewhere!!!!"

    Im not afraid of your raw denim mob, or its outrageous mentality. Lay off the wierd posts about how much of a jerk i am or how little i know. Because i know all the things that you guys know about wearing in raw, plus a little about the laundry, it should be interesting to anyone interested in denim. period

  6. If this were something I wanted to be hailed for, I'd have gone elsewhere. And I have no intentions of being an asshole, I am only arguing points I find to be offensive or wrong based on my tests. Sorry if I have ruined your blog, or for that matter, your day. But I will keep posting for those that do appreciate it. I'll try to post better pictures so you see its real look. I promise it looks more authentic than you think.

  7. Please learn to proofread your posts and act professionally

    Your inability to write even simple english is exceedingly obvious.

    It sorely detracts from any sort of legitimacy you inherently wish to achieve in our eyes.

    Sorry, but this let's me know how petty some people are here. Sorry I posted anything, I'll never post again!!!! Ever! Yeah right, but again, to those of you who are decent humans, thanks. Hopefully one day I'll show you something you guys feel is natural.

  8. How about, of you like what I'm doing, follow this thread. If you don't and can appreciate it, I would love criticism. If you don't like it, don't read it. It's that simple. As for rubbing on brick walls or wearing in you natural spots with sandpaper, I would like to see it. No sarcasm, I just know that it makes it look even cheaper than you feel mine do. It's not just sanding arras to make wear, it's creating contrast with the sandpaper. I have a ton more left to finish up tommorow. Will post one more pic tonight for some more bashing, thanks to all those being helpful rather than assholes. This thread has made what I'm doing a competition, which is the last thing I'm trying to do, but if you got what it takes.... Let's do it ;)

  9. I am in no way making it sound harder than it is, and never said it was hard, but it takes training and some artistic ability. Not being rude at all, but wait until you see your whiskers that you make in your basement. And as stated numerous times, I would never buy a predistressed jean either, in the store, 99% of washes suck, even ones i make for the consumer, in fact its only raw for me. But to me, ahving a custom made jean, that started raw, thats made for me, with wiskers in all the correct places, is something cool. And again I strive for what is natural, re-research you worn jeans, please... And if you want to compare, bring out you warehouse, your sugar canes, whatever you want, ill do better

  10. 1. Im not done yet, so hold your horses.

    2. Youve just proved your inexperience and ignorance.

    Please make a copy in your basement. Youd never be able to. And my credibility comes from working in clothing for a long time, and not at the levis store, or some high end boutique that sells only made in japan. I have worked for a lot of different companies gaining experience. And again, Im not flexing skills or knowledge, but just getting aggrivated with everyones inability to appreciate. which is in turn showing some peoples ignorance.

    And whoever said i used sand paper is on the right track, but not quite right. The rips are from a grinding wheel, not oversanding, a common newbie mistake,

  11. Youre right, its not some contest, and i wasnt flexing knowledge on anyone who wasnt tryin to tell me whats right and whats wrong. I may not know everything about denim, but those who can talk cirlcles around me in some areas, will most likely be lapped in a wash discussion. I may not know all, as i am always learning, but i can go to those people and have a decent discussion, with a little credibility. As for everyone else, please show me what is real, or what brands do a nice job recreating washes.

    By the way, A friend and I will be doing two more pants, a raw rag and bone, and a raw prps in the near future, just to piss you guys off. But if there are jeans youd like to see as inspiration, please share, and well compare.

  12. Now youre just pissing me off, honeycombs are for bee's! Back knee whiskers are for jeans. Yes maybe im being trivial with the choice of lingo, but everyone here is so oppinionated, and most have absoultely no credibility, or even any knowledge of denim. Lets compare some truely worn in jeans, not ones you guys wore for 12 days but ones worn for years. "Bath tub soak this, honeycomb that, left hand twill, right hand twill"... Right hand twill my balls!!!!

  13. If any of you guys think that that bullshit on yoke design, or whatever, looks natural, you need to wake up. Maybe my pictures dont do it justice, but that yoke design shit can suck my whiskers!!!! Anyone here who thinks that this is just another wash has some learning to do. What are you guys going off anyway? Maybe, just maybe, japanese fabric is better, and the sewing is for sure, but i would gladly put any of my washes against your so called true artisans and japanese gods of laundry!!!!

  14. To answer the question about chemicals, and protection from such, there are some hazards. But as long as you're in a decently ventilated area, and you dont drink anything, you'll be okay. The resin i mentioned in the begining is a carcinogen, which means it causes cancer, but youd have to take a bath in it for it to harm you. During process all resin is rinsed from the garment, dont worry. One obvious point would be not to drink bleach also, first you go blind, then you die. There are also various other chemicals involved nd almost anything can be used to age the jeans. Motor oil, food, paint(not lead based), ect.

    And for the next steps,

    Here is the first hand sand, second hand sand with potasium, then grinded before rinse, and with grinding after rinse








    Let me know what you think this time, jerks....

    Denim Dave, you in LA?

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