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Posts posted by willerd

  1. you think you could still gain lean mass at a steady level if you're getting hammered a couple times a week? what are peoples experience with drinking and while trying to gain a bit of henchacity?

  2. I'm really tempted to jailbreak my phone, when i first bought the phone i'd already learned how to do it and downloaded the software to do it, but i chickened out having read in various places that it fucks your warranty. i mean if your phone breaks is it easy to fix, and is it really worth jailbreaking??

    edit: jailbroke the phone... wheres a good place to find decent apps for free?

  3. I'm looking for a duffle coats similar to this one from topman:


    I went to check it out and i just didn't like the fit all too much. I'm looking for something of a similar price, although it's not essential that its cheap, so any help would be greatly appreciated!

  4. i have learned that the very best way to keep sordid secrets is only to yourself. no exceptions unless you want to get got.

    i dont get people that tell you really sordid secrets in the first place. if its bad then dont fucking tell anyone.

  5. bought a straw hat today, went to the park to enjoy the nice weather and do a little clunge spotting. A gust of wind took the hat which proceeded to roll between the only gap in the bushes before finally resting in the stagnant waters below. i owned that hat for 10 minutes. :( i also soffocated a wasp by trapping it under a pint glass and putting the end of my cigarette inside. it was a slow and excruciating death which i felt no remorse for inflicting. overall, an 8/10 day, mostly because im drunk right about now.

  6. Recorded this one yesterday as a part of my Atmospheric Sessions series.

    sorted - atmospheric session vol3 - Makoto

    DivShare File - sorted-atmospheric session vol3-Makoto.mp3


    1. Makoto - Music Has Never Let Me Down

    2. Makoto - Travelstar

    3. Makoto - Sentimental Moods

    4. Makoto and DJ Inza - Eastern Dub

    5. Makoto and DJ Inza - Eastern Dub (Marky Remix)

    6. Makoto ft. MC Conrad - Golden Girl (Instrumental Mix)

    7. Makoto ft. MC Conrad - Golden Girl (Vocal Mix)

    8. Makoto - Feels Like Heaven

    9. Makoto - You Make Me Feel

    10 Makoto and Akira - Mind Vision

    11. Makoto - Blackberry Jam

    12. Makoto - Inside Your Love

    13. Makoto - Where Are You Going?

    14. Makoto ft. Deeizm - Joy (Vocal Mix)

    Mixed with 1200's and Serato.

    Holler at me if you feel it!

    The other 2 mixes in this series are at: www.djsorted.com

    ltj bukem progression sessions has a couple amazing makoto tunes on it.... its getting late so i cba to list anything now but i'll paste a few decent and recent tunes on here soon.

  7. Great post; because of my older siblings I really think of the nineties as being kind of drug-fueled era of skate parks and raves. Growing up in the 00s was a lot more tame by comparison, at least in my world.

    My experience growing up in the 00's has been drug-fueled, but based around music, mostly dnb/electro either at festivals or clubs. As well as that most busy house parties ive been to at university have had drugs flying around pretty much as freely as the booze, its pretty inherent to British youth culture atm. I guess it's just the people you're friends with and the places you live.

    edit: on topic - Kids and The Wackness both have their charms, it goes without saying that Kids is gonna have the authenticity being made in the times, The Wackness is only ever gonna be a contrived effort. It's like expecting a cover band to be as good as the real thing. I actually thought the point of The Wackness was to tell a coming-of-age story about a loner pot-dealer, not to accurately map out the realities of a decade.

  8. the shining

    the exorcist

    bad taste


    return of the living dead

    dead alive

    original dawn of the dead

    the thing




    slither was possibly the worst horror movie i have ever seen.

    good horror:

    28 days later

    the orphanage / el orfanato

    the ring (first watch, i loved it!!!)

    i dont know why but i also really enjoyed the exorcism of emily rose.

    REC is good, the spanish version, anywho.

    anything with zombies and im pretty much sold.

    flame me for this but 'creep' scared me and i enjoyed it. :o

  9. 1. productivity is biggest problem and basically relates to all other problems in my life

    2. keeping fit

    3. the amount of time i spend alone

    4. my inability to keep the same job (i get bored so fucking easily doing part-time work while i study)

    5. my amazing ability to hemorrhage cash, more specifically my inability to not get hammered, and not spend so much, if i'm out..

  10. Stuff:

    1) When a girl knows how to order in a restaurant. She doesn't take forever to look at the menu or ask you 14 questions about what you're having, she knows how she wants her meat cooked, and she uses doesn't just get the lobster to be that bitch.

    2) She laughs genuinely, even at people who aren't funny.

    3) She knows about wine.

    4) She closes her eyes when she dances.

    5) She bakes cupcakes.

    6) Coughs when smoking weed.

    hello captain specific

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