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Posts posted by ThisSunday

  1. ^ I don't know if you're originally from NYC but you've definitely been here long enough to know we wear tims all year round, so those chinos were no problem :)

  2. Thanks, thissunday. I've been browsing through these pages and love all your pictures. Very cool!

    I considered buttoning the tab to the last button on the placket, but the tab's length isn't quite right for that—it makes the lower part of the shirt kind of ride up. Oh well, I'll probably just leave the tab as is. It's an interesting look. I just wish it had been placed a little lower to make it really functional; just one more button on the placket would have moved it to the right place for most trouser waists.

    Thanks. I've always thought the tab was the perfect length to fold up when not in use. The tab is very functional when matched with "work wear" pants or pants inspired by the early-mid 20th century. You'll have to wear higher rise pants, if not you'll end up looking like the Self edge model in that chemise calico fit pic from last year. Your pants shouldn't have to be too high though. I'm wearing Left Field Chinos in the pic above. The pics below show that the tab looks fine folded up.




  3. I just got a chemise hirondelle. Love it but does anyone else find the placket tab placed a bit too high on the shirt? Your pants would have to be very high-waisted indeed to reach it. Do you think it would be a mistake to just snip it off?

    Look at my pic above to see the tab in use. No need to cut it off. When not in use you can button it above.

  4. I never thought of tucking in the off duty CPO. Nice.

    My cpo is long so I have to tuck it in. I have a size L which I shrunk down to around a M.


    Is that MF times 7 pieces? I've thought of doing a similar thing for fun, but you have it down! If only you had the Road Champs or Pallediums!

    Yeah, the bandana makes 7. These MF pieces don't really draw them attention to themselves so it's not too hard to layer. It's helps that the vest is black

  5. Great stuff on this page. Can't wait to see how these gunslingers will age. Keep up updated knucks and appfaff

    Thanks for the close up pics Nachtelijk. The pique jeans look great. They look almost like jungle cloth instead of cordouroy

    @kayodic i can't believe you've held off so long on picking these up. i think a creme pair would look great on you. btw,i dig your tumblr

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