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Posts posted by Catharsis

  1. Which method for soaking unsanforized denim to get the best creases / honeycombs / whiskers?

    In lukewarm water:

    1) soaking while wearing in bathtub. Standing up a few time / squatting / etc to let gravity set the creases in. Need to be careful what movements you make because the creases stay when dried. (example: don't hang upside down)

    2) turning inside out and soaking, then hanging to dry.

    This method seems to me that you'd get less creases to begin with.

    I've only done the 1st method so I wouldn't know.

  2. Which method sets in better whiskers / honeycombs / wrinkles?

    In warm water,

    1) Soaking unsanforized denim while wearing them?

    Standing up a few times and sitting back down (squat / lie down) in the tub to let gravity set the creases. Careful cus you can manipulate the creases however you want when the jeans are wet, and they stay that way when it dries. Then go outside in the sun and do squats or whatever until it dries.


    2) Simply turning inside out and soaking?

    I'm curious because I've only done the first method and the creases stay the way it's dried so it would seem like if you did the second method you would have unwanted creases or less because the stiffness returns when the jeans dry so it's harder to get the creases in immediately.

  3. Worn it for a day and realized I should have gotten it a size smaller or should have gotten the petit standards for a better fit.

    Anyway, I'm asking $120 + shipping. (from Los Angeles, California)

    Let me know if you're interested, thanks!

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