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Posts posted by greeknate

  1. if i have a pair of brand new raws with the CD tag, would retail stores like dior, saks, or barney's let me trade for the same thing but in a different size or cut?

    Different cut definitely not. Different size probably not considering you dont have a receipt. I ordered a pair from a dior outlet and the hoops they made me jump through was rediculous. I highly doubt any of those stores would let you exchange them.

  2. Hey guys,

    So I was at the dior store on Rodeo last week, and the sales guy told me that they didn't order any selvedge denim for the fall season. They had the raws but not the selvedge. And the denim expert at barneys down the street told me he hasn't seen them in years. Just thought I'd mention it. I don't know if its a company move or just that they didn't think they could sell many of them at the beverly hills store.

  3. It's obvious Zubin what your vote is. I don't think anyone here is claiming that N&F is the pinnacle of Denim construction. But neither is APC. You are completely entitled to think that they are "cheep and cheesy," but as was stated in the beginning, this is going to be his first pair of decent raw denim. So even though it would be nice to be able to blow $400 on a pair of jeans without thinking, you can't blame the guy for considering the price.

  4. I was trying to make the decision between the NS and the weird guys. I ended up choosing N&F because they aren't as mainstream (yet). And they were cheaper. I honestly think the quality is pretty similar. APC has more reputation, but N&F is decent and the quality is excellent for the money, much better than Nudies IMO.

  5. Also, people should look for my forthcoming book, "The mathematics and science of masculinity and coolness." I have my masters in coolness and I am hoping to get my PhD, in masculinity. One chapter is completely dedicated to the laws of cuffing, with some focus on the "high-water effect." Very interesting stuff that Newton had started, Einstein continued, and I plan on nailing out the final details so I can close the book on this once and for all.

    Lol, I want a signed copy of that shit

  6. I just tried some of these on at a local boutique that started carrying N&F. WOW, I was really impressed. I tried both the slim guy and the weird guy.

    I know there was a big debate earlier in the thread about which one was closer to new standards vs new cures. My 2 cents, the weird guy is more like new cure, slim guy is more like new standard.

    I wish I had some fit pics for you guys. (I will once I decide which pair to eventually buy) Anyways, I'm not a small guy by any means. 6'1", 170 pounds. Anyway, the size 32 was perfect in the slim guys. The 33 was a tad too large in the weird guys, they didn't have a 32 :( . The weird guys were definitely a much slimmer cut. I think they really were snug against most of my legs, but they don't appear "skin tight".

    The quality looked pretty good. I didn't subject them to any abuse. But they seemed pretty solid from what I saw. So, if there is anyone out there wondering if these are worth trying, I highly recommend you do, at least before knocking them down as "inferior". Of course they don't have a lot of the fancy subtleties you would expect from $300 denim, but for $120 I think these are a much better buy than nudies. Not saying they aren't good, or perhaps better for some people. But N&F really makes great jeans for a great price.

  7. Hey Guys, I'm new here. I've been amassing a wealth of knowledge from everyone these forums recently. Anyways, I'm new to raw denim, a friend of mine who is really into it suggested I try a pair of STF's before I went out and invested seriously in a pair of nice denim. So, this question relates specifically to my 501s, which I've been wearing for about a week now. But it really is a general question as well.

    I could bore you with a bunch of the details, but I'll get straight to the point. The main waist button hole is exhibiting a lot of wear, or at least it appears to me, after only a week or so. I originally got a size larger, but they were too big after soaking, so I returned them to Macy's (gotta love that). Anyways, is this normal? Should I be concerned about this, aka, are the jeans too small or is it a quality issue? I know they are supposed to stretch out and I don't think I've really given them a chance to. On the other hand there seems to be a lot of loose threads hanging about, even if it doesn't appear the stitching is compromised.

    Obviously these aren't 45rpms or samurais, so I don't expect them to be beautifully crafted, but is this normal? If you guys need better pics just let me know. Thanks.



    And if this is better off in the "small questions thread" feel free to move it, whoever does that.

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