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Posts posted by orangetang

  1. I was looking for any sort of raw or selvedge denim during my whole 4 night stay at Las Vegas, but never saw a single pair of proper stuff.

    Then again, the nicest pairs of jeans I've seen in person have been my friend's Nudies (TFs and SJs) with the yoke ripped to hell. Next runner up would be another friend's evisu and then some random jeans with selvedge coin and back pockets on some asian guy. I don't remember what brand, but I do know it was on the lower end of things.

  2. My ideal attire would consist of a stylish 3 piece suit, completely bulletproof like so:

    My ideal hideaway would be at a hydroelectric plant surrounded by farmland.

    To hold off zombies, our home would have an electrified fence (has to work, considering muscles respond to electrical impulses) which my group of survivors would slowly expand to cover more area. Eventually it would be large enough to farm off of and water could be obtained from the river/whatever powering the generator. An engineer would be necessary to maintain and repair it.

    I'd definitely also keep a stockpile of canned foods in case of famine and weapons in case the fence ever failed. My goal then would be to find another area I could just farm or live off of canned food for the rest of my life while admiring mad zombie fighting fadez on my APCs

    But initilally, I would definitely try to get a weapon. Crowbars and bludgeoning tools sound like a good idea to have on hand (considering that the zombies have already been defined as the slow dumb ones that can be destroyed with its brains smashed in). From there, I would go to wal-marts, grocery stores, malls, costcos, and other places that have food and are likely to be destinations for other survivors I could depend on. I would migrate out of urban areas, attempting to always make it to the next safe/supplied building I can until my group of survivors finds the ideal spot to set up permanent camp.

  3. 1. basic life items: homes, cars, clothes, toys etc.

    2. buy up sustainance-related businesses: farms, factories, infrastructure(water, energy, fuel), infantry weapons production

    3. organize independent villages in western hemisphere forestland. self-contained food production, protection and governance, education, media, training, non-reliance communications, and more

    4. form high level specialty militias, capable of seizing, securing and holding specified regional areas when required (non-aggressive policy only)

    5. anticipated economic returns on investment will be re monetized into new hard-asset backed currency, independant of any intervention. + ban on interest / usury

    6. gradually increase sovereignty and self-reliance.}

    7+ tbc

    I greatly admire the creativity and spirit behind this plan.

  4. When you wish that your nose hadn't stopped bleeding so often before you started wearing your new pair.

    When your legs break out in hives every time you're not wearing your jeans.

    When you look at your jeans at least five times a day.

    When there are more repair patches on your jeans than original denim.

  5. everyone wants to get 'authentic wear'....

    Pretty sure coal miners / farm workers in the 1900s would have just washed them as with whatever detergent was to hand?

    Well, they also put a lot more wear into them before washing. Thus, more contrast.

    Not that coal miners/farm workers probably cared all that much about fading back in the 1900s.

  6. I rubberneck at anything that looks even kind of raw. Shameful, yeah.

    Mostly I've been disappointed, but I saw some APCs at a Costco three days ago, and one of my friends is at around 10 months with his Nudies. For some reason, I can't help but glance at his heavily repaired back pockets every couple of minutes....

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