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Posts posted by haploid

  1. I was setting up for a Halloween party at my work last week, and one of the (adult) students stayed after class and was hitting on this girl  who is in the same program. 

    I was dressed up like a really unsexy dog, climbing up on tables and dropping shit and and trying to hang cobwebs, and he started telling her this super intense story about how he used to be in a cult. They had this weird vibe like they were having this super private heart-to-heart and I was a few feet away flapping my dog tail and accidentally knocking my chair every few minutes. 

    "yeah babe i used to be in this cult... you wouldn't believe the shit i done"

  2. lmao today i was in the grocery store parking lot and i started to drive home after shopping and someone flagged me down waving their arms. i drove to a parking spot and they came up and said "you're dragging around a garbage bag!!" 


    evidently, some asshole left bags of garbage in the parking spot i was parked in and i didn't see it when i initially pulled in. there was a trail of garbage behind the route that i drove, and a lot of people saw me so i couldn't just make a run for it. i didn't have any garbage bags and the one that housed all the garbage was all torn up, so i went and got a shopping cart and threw all the misc. bottles and plastic things in it and then threw them out, in the only garbage can in the whole shopping center, right in front of a five guys burger joint packed with ppl. i stood with my back to them and emptied out a shopping cart full of garbage item by item, then went in and washed my hands and quickly got the fuck out of there.

  3. this sounds really crazy, but there is evidence that cold showers on the regular help to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety




    i personally notice a huge effect. i do the Scottish shower technique:

    warm shower as usual to clean up, then completely turn the water all the way cold right when the seconds hand of my watch hits the noon position. the water gets very cold and takes your breath away, but you mentally work to remain calm and breathe normally. as it showers down you rub the ice water all over your extremities, especially taking time to let it spray right down on your head and face. while this happens i visualize the cold water purifying my thoughts (funny i know... but try it next time you feel really mentally unwell). i usually make it about a minute and a half until i switch back to warm water. repeat two or three times at the end of every shower. basically feels like hitting a "refresh" button for your mood and mindset. i find it very effective especially in dealing with anxiety as the feeling of forcing yourself to remain calm as the water comes down actually translates to dealing with an extreme mood.


    try it guys  :)  cant hurt and has loads of other health benefits too. i find it helps with hangovers too.

  4. which DAW you on? I feel you on the diminishing returns part, not been particularly happy with my fruity loops productions of late.

    i use live. if i had the cash i would switch to hardware + live, maybe get a tempest, some pedals and a big modular + mixer. my sweetwater wish list is 25k lol

  5. anyone who spent years and years producing in a DAW hit a wall of severe diminishing returns? nothing i make is remotely good anymore and i'm beginning to suspect it's because i'm completely sick of navigating all the fucking stupid little windows to change settings and alter midi notes. not only that but its completely JOYLESS. not even unenjoyable but extremely fucking frustrating. there is no spontaneity and excitement anymore. its just gritted teeth and disappointment. smfh


    on top of that one of my monitors' amps blew out so i have to work on headphones. fucking sad 

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