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Posts posted by Contra

  1. fast answer. if you dont your fades will move when you do wash them. dont worry about the indigo loss, if they are quality jeans with a quality dye job then there will be more than enough indigo left.

    id you want to wear them raw go ahead and report back in a year and let us know how it worked out for you. would be curious to see

    I get it now. Get the shrinkage out of the way so that you can develop consistant contrasting lines throughout the life of the jeans. Thank you.

  2. Most of the Ooe denim I've seen definitely has a more vintage look when faded. Mine are developing contrast, but it looks much more like a pair of vintage levis than a pair of super contrasty flatheads.

    I agree with you. The true vintage look is what Ryo is really after. But I see that some of their denim does give contrasting lines like #41. Of course nothing like Flathead and the others but they can have them. I think its like setterman said its also has to do with your washing and wearing process. What number denim do you have?

  3. Run 'em through the washer, then you won't see the blue water. ;-)

    There's no "right". Give 'em an intial soak or trip through the washer to get the intial shrinking taken care of. After that, it depends on what type of fades you want. If you want super contrasty fades with sharp whiskers and combs, then wear them as long as possible between washes, wash gently (by hand or delicate in the washer) and then hang or lay out to dry. If you want vintage fades, wash them however often you please either by hand or through the washing machine and then hang to dry. You can use the drier (and I have to get max shrinkage), but from what I've read that's what's most abusive for the cotton and indigo. Most important thing is a comfortable fit and wearing the jeans daily. After that, the fades will take care of themselves.

    Word up setterman thats the most comprehensive answer I've ever heard. I am looking to achieve both styles of fading so I'm glad you distingueshed the two. You're really easing my fear over the dye. And you made me laugh with that joke.

  4. Try searching. But here's a short answer- you should soak to get rid of some of the starch. If not, you may break the threads in the denim. You won't lose any indigo with a plain old soak.

    to shrink them , and you wont loose dye you will loose starch
    Properly dyed denim isn't going to loose much indigo with a simple soak, or even a wash. I have a pair of Full Count 0105Cs that have had around 20 trips through the washing machine over the past year. The non-wear areas are still pretty dark.

    Raw jeans are supposed to be shrunk to fit, and when they're dirty, they're supposed to be washed. I don't know why so many people here think water will be the death of their $250 jeans.

    All points are well taken. Setterman you hit my anxiety on the head. It's hard to see all that dye in the tub. But if its going to give me better results then I'll do it. I I ony have a black and a grey pair of ooe's but I plan on gettng my first blue pair of denim from them soon so I want to do it right. Thanks guys.

  5. ^this has been answered countless times in many threads. But new unsanforized denim needs to be soaked to get initial shrinkage out of the way.

    Sorry I know but I see so many different responses. Someone else just told me it's important to remove the starch or you could break fibers if you don't pre-soak. My whole thing is look at how much dye is in the water after a soak!! It's scary kid. But if it is definitely going to yield the best results then I'm pre soaking every pair I get. Now is hot or cold soaks best and why?

    it just is

    This is what I hear!

    listen to beatle or else

    With my head down. Ok fine.

  6. I soaked mine in hot water for about an hour. Could have soaked for another hour. No soap/No dryer.[/quote

    I know this question may be elementary but I do own a pair of 2201xx and 4901xx and always wanted to know why is it important to soak your denim before wearing? Why would I want to loose that much dye befor even taking a step in them?

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