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Posts posted by hypnos123

  1. ^ So you have a big waist and skinny legs? How big are your thighs? That sounds like it has potential to be quite unflattering on most people, hence the lack of companies making a cut like that. You could just get a pair with denim that you like and then have a tailor taper them for you.

    Normal thighs...11-12" are okay.

    Yeah, I do look shit :sleep: . And tailors usually fuck things up.

    I guess I should hit the track instead of dropping $300 on another jeans

  2. alright i know im blowing up this thread but for you guys with ramblers, i just wanted to get an idea of the stretch....

    i went with 32s my normal size and the jeans are TTS in the waist but are skin tight in the top block.The waist (after 2-3 wears) has stretched about 2 inches so its ok but the rest of the top block has stretched some but not enough to be comfortable yet. Does the top block have alotta give in it?

    basically my upper thighs are in pain when im sitting down....

    i got the same problem in the upper thigh area. Not necessarily painful but gets real tight when I'm trying to raise up my leg, as in getting into the car or trying to climb over something. And unfortunately it doesn't seem to stretch much, maybe half an inch max (I've ~3months effective wear).

    Weird 'cause my other jeans is slimmer but don't have the same problem in the top block. Hope it'll get better after a wash/soak, when it gets softer.

  3. p37p19e rambler/slim fit.....had them for 6 months, two months effective wear, maybe less. Tight as fuck when I sit down/get in n' out of car/after meals, otherwise acceptable.. hopefully stretches out more like everyone said :o


    barely any actions going on....kinda wants to soak/wash them to get more comfortable though. Should probably wait till it stretches more:confused:

  4. It's the rambler fit with purple selvedge p37p19E

    I think it's the same one poly has

    i have a crappy makeshift pic:(....i know im exaggerating the 'looseness' of the backrise a bit...but it looks almost like that when I bend down, and then the undershirt that was tucked in became untucked, which is kinda annoying sometimes



    (sorry didn't embed the pic fearing it may be too long:eek:)

    What model do you have? The left pocket bag should be stamped with the model name.

    Also fit pic's would be nice.

    I'm currently wearing the Barracuda which is a straight leg low rise jean and they sit perfectly on my hips, which makes them look like a more fuller fit.

  5. kind of a dumb question: is the new (tight) fit supposed to be worn low? Just got it recently and got this weird fit around the waist. It's tight in the front of the waist and loose at the back, and so it tends to sag to the ass. I like the fit better when I pull the backrise higher but it keeps falling.

  6. Just got in my PRPS Barracudas last night and I must say that the details are off the chain!!! Very nice. Fit pic's to follow soon.

    What's the deal with this thread. Why has it become so DEAD???

    Where you buy yours:confused:

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