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Posts posted by jimmybones

  1. I've been quickly browsing through this thread, and I definitely want to buy a pair of these. I just have two questions. 1. How are you guys sizing? And, how should I size? I have a 30" waist, and above average size thighs from baseball. Thanks in advance!

    I would probably go with a 31". I have two pairs of SugarCanes (Hawaii and 1947), both 32"s. I had to go with 33" to get the DBs around my proletarian thighs. You'll need a belt, but they should fit through the leg.

  2. No idea how they did it, but it's unwearable for me, and i'm used to wearing wool sweaters and such over the years.

    Probably something like:

    "Uses pre-1949 period-authentic 32 micron mil-spec Icelandic sheep's wool; after '49 the US Armed Forces shifted to >= 25micron wool in its clothes manufacture after complaints from field officers about 'itchiness'."

  3. Have you ever tried one of those things on?

    I swear to you it's near impossible to wear because it's so beyond itchy.

    I was hoping you might stock it so i *could* try it on. ;)

    I went through a wool phase a few years ago, and feel like I built up a tolerance after wearing stuff like this ( http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3369/3251797271_efbd1088b9.jpg?v=0 ) ; however, your admonition is enough to scare me off.

    The jacket quest continues.

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