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Posts posted by jhxkcd

  1. Random thought: could someone enlighten me on the appeal of "stacking" food up high like this:


    Who started this? It does not make seem to make sense (apart from taking pics from a certain angle)? You'd have to awkwardly lift the meat off the mash and vegs first?

    I remember a dish at Momofuko where they put dry-aged seared beef on a puree of pretty strongly fermented kim-chi. It was not bad in itself, I would just prefer not to have the meat smothered in it.

    Some people appreciate presentation. On a really good plate all the elements should work together, so any mixing of flavors as a result of presentation should take it to the next level, which I would imagine to be the case with the pork/spinach/potatoes/sauce combo pictured.

    When stronger/overwhelming components are thrown into the mix, most of the time they'll be off to the side.

    edit: reading your blog, you are obviously aware of all of this.

  2. @okayokay I'm gunna echo and say it's literally 90% diet, and consistency is your key. Consistency is required regardless, but how clean the diet depends on the person. For me, the only carbs I eat is a 1/3 cup of uncooked oats every morning. All my other carbs come from non starch vegetables, and everything else is animal protein and something I call protein pudding (beverly international protein powder, ground flax seed + just enough water to make it pudding like)... The beverly international powder is key, otherwise it'd taste like shit. 5 meals a day, 3hrs between each, do this for a month and you'll break any plateau.

    I was where you are probably about a year ago, tried to work through it and did so albeit very slowly until april of this year. I adopted this type of diet and I'm about 9% bf and the leanest I've ever been in my life and it only took about 2-3 months. I could've saved SO much time had I known this and stuck to it earlier.

    P.S. to do this effectively it's best so have no social life and I haven't gone out drinking all summer... but I'm ripped bitch. Also google the 10 commandments of cutting on bodybuilding.com

    P.S.S. Tabata/Interval training is also key and done effectively will kick your ass.

  3. if they're pickled, that sounds good, otherwise roast them along with a bulb of garlic and finish the beets off panfried with bacon/bacon fat. Maybe blanch the greens and puree with roasted garlic and a bit of cream and plate the beets over the puree?

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