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Posts posted by tavbovbo

  1. I am looking to get my first pair of raw denim jeans. I am slowly migrating from the diesel camp (zathans - > Zatinys -> larkees). I am looking for a pair (or two) of jeans that are versatile enough to wear as both casual (with t's and untucket oxfords or sweaters) and with dress shirts (and dress shoes). I am considering one of the following pairs.

    1. APC NS sz 32. (I have tried on a pair and they look pretty decent)

    2. SEXDBXS09 sz 32 (I have looked through both threads)

    I am a bit skeptical of the SEXDBXS09 because of its lower rise and because its unproven denim. I am also a bit worried that its too much of a jump for a newbie or that it might not look too great dressed up due to the fact that it has more details than the APC's. Also selfedge's return policy doesnt allow for returns (in case I dont like how they turn out) and I have already tried on the APC's. Lets not forget the cost. That being said, I know that the SEXDBXS09 should be better quality, and I like the details (thread color, and color of rivets) and the story and uniqueness of the jeans...

    I am really torn....

    Oh and Btw, I am 6'3 and 205lbs (skinny muscular build) and I wear sz 14 shoes (perspective for leg opening of jeans)

    Thanks in advance

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