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Posts posted by 'lejandro

  1. maybe the smoke monster isnt esau/man2. i think man2/esau and jacob are gods and cant kill each other and in wikipedia smoke monster 's name is samael; esau's guardian angel


    it says there that samael is:

    Esau's guardian angel

    also sometimes identified as being the angelic antagonist who wrestled with Jacob

  2. some other things.

    i forget form where, but i repeatedly heard that the producers said that there was a HUGE clue in the first episode about the ending or whatever of the show.

    in the first episode some dude gets sucked into the engine.

    that guy is gary troupe.

    wrote bad twin.

    jacob/esau twins in the bible story.

    idk im jsut throwing shit out there hoping something sticks.

    gotta do something for a year.

    remember how people thought that the losties were dead and the island was purgatory? well, gary troupe is actually an anagram for purgatory and him dying was (supposedly) a way of the creators saying that they weren't in purgatory.

  3. idk, i mean...he basically healed locke and made jack feel better after that bad operation.

    but i dont think there will ever be a 'good' or 'bad' in this series. i think man2 represents the island (destiny) and jacob represents the people (free will)

  4. i think jacob is good. when ilana asked the question 'what lies in the shadow of the statue' the answer was 'he who will save us all'.

    but idk, ive only watched as many eps as you, so im in the same boat as u r in terms of what we know.

  5. i think widmore is a good guy. i think that he was the chosen one after all and jacob actually wanted alex to be killed. think about it, if alex was killed before by ben as jacob wanted, locke2 wouldn't have played that 'he killed your daughter' card on ben.

    furthermore, if alex was killed as a child and ben didnt raise her, the smoke monster would never have been able to 'impersonate' alex and threaten ben to follow all of locke2's orders. if this didnt happen, ben would most definitely had done something against locke2.

  6. niketalk stays killing us in the lost thread.

    comparison to jacob's off island antics to hurley's items given back to him at the prison.

    ya i think its pretty cool.

    though hurley had $200+ and a fruit rollup.

    still pretty cool tho!

  7. anubis has a jackal head. from the drawings, it looks like the thing had a crocodile head.

    i think the loophole is that a god can't kill another god. so man2 (who i think is also the smoke monster) had to pose as alex to tell ben that he has to follow whatever locke (man2) tells him to do. so locke tells ben he has to kill jacob. so thats the loophole.

    i think chantheman hit the nail on the head, people he touched were the ones chosen to go to the island,

  8. what lies in the shadow of the statue?

    "that one who is our all seeing savior/watcher...."

    richard/ricardo said

    'he who will save us all'

    its latin, the others spoke latin.

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