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decomposing light

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Posts posted by decomposing light

  1. I've got em, my true waist is 28 and I sized down 2 to 26, I think i might have needed to go one more, they are stretchy and take forever to fade unless you are wearing like crazy. I'd say if you're wearing a 27 in Nudie, go with 26, i'm wide hipped as well.

    Btw, they bleed like nothing I've seen, i've soaked them once and i have a good 50+ wears going on but they still leave blue everywhere.

    Good luck

    Thanks so much for this a few pages back! Now I can buy happy :)

  2. Anyone here ever tried on the Naked and Famous Skinny Girl Silk Denim? I've seen the Silk Denim in a men's cut in person and I love the look, even though I know it's not the highest quality denim. I found them for cheap online and I think the low denim ounce-age would be great for summer jeans, so I think I'm going to buy them soon enough, but I'm having a difficult time figuring out what size to get.

    I searched this thread for "naked and famous" and most people are saying they run 1-2 sizes large. I also checked BlueinGreen for measurements, but they don't seem to sell the women's silk denim so I'm wondering if the sizing is different for those, seeing as the listed measurements for the Black Stretch and the Indigo Stretch are different.

    For reference, I wear a 27 Nudie TLJ and 29 in 7FAM jeans. I have pictures if necessary. I've tried on Jean Shop Skinnies and APC New Cures before but don't have a verifiable size in those bc none of the available sizes fit, so apologies. I think my true waist is around 28 but where low rise jeans sit is probably closer to 31 or 32. I do also have wider hips but I've read N&F to be pretty accommodating for NORMAL-sized women.

    Any help would be appreciated in furthering my research with human input rather than just web pages!

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