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Posts posted by ramenhero

  1. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    in my mind mickey rourke shld play oldboy

    that's actually a good suggestion but if they change the story then there's no point in doing it at all. I mean that movie sorta got me into watching more foreign films when i first saw it back in 06' so for them to ruin it would just do it injustice

  2. im telling you right now don't expect a clean shave down there... nothing but bush, and a lot of it. korean-korean girls are damn materialistic so shes probably going to expect a lot from you. since others have said it anyway... if you are ganna pull off a one hitter quitter change your e-mail, and phone number and all that shit cuz there ganna pull off some psycho korean drama shit.

  3. can the korean army draft you even if you're not in korea? i dodged the draft by leaving germany and never coming back.

    they have to relinquish there korean citizen ship at the embassy or else they'll get introuble. atleast thats what my korean friend told me.

  4. cock blocks are bad enough when its by a stranger, but when its performed by your own wing man.. thats when you know jealousy sets in:mad:

    one time after drinking with a couple of friends, me and one of the girls hanging out with us end up going in someones bed room... we lay down and talk for a minute, and we sort of look at each other and have one of those "moments" and before we get into it everybody else enters the room, and see's were about to get a little "HEAVY" so everybody decides to turn into voyeurs and wants to watch, and she was down with that... so im basically looking above her ready to kiss her, and IN comes my best friend coming up with a steal on me... and everybody goes wild with there "OH'S!!!!!!"


  5. nobody said you cant post that shit in here. i was simply making fun of a girl that you were in a relationship with. most of the ugly bitches that members posted here were the result of being intoxicated or being mad hungry. thus the humor found in those posts. your contribution on the other hand was a girl who you willingly called your girlfriend. and an ugly one at that. congratulations, maestro.

    to each his own. i got my own views on what i think is pretty and what not, and you have yours. so i don't see why your throwing all this negativity at me.my contribution was a legitimate one.

  6. You signed up to post that?

    jus wanted to contribute to the thread. and at least im being real with it.

    it wasnt even some random fuck. his ex, as in he used to be in a relationship with that bitch! HAHA!

    thread was girls i've smashed. not girls ive randomly fucked. so i don't see the problem

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