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Posts posted by nicaraguaraul

  1. beLeaves, why don't you start a thread on the effect of pataphysics in suburbia? this thread is about post-"just jeans" and post-post-"just jeans". also, if you do continue to post on this thread, please stop your Burroughs-esque writing style.

  2. opie,

    the jeans' potential is huge and, undeniably, more than, say, a pair of Dockers or some linen capris. so the only thing i would like to contradict is that "jeans don't have a function". they protect your ass, not just cover it. you could do more cowboy-ish activities with a 23oz Samurai than with a 10oz Gap or a polyester thong.

    but you're right, i did assume that everyone shared a common end of getting fades.

    i never saw jeans as an artistic expressions of one's activities nor the importance of craftsmanship until i met klue. when i first got my SC rainbow, i avoided certain activities because i wanted to preserve them. although, with the rainbow, the more they fade the more i appreciate them. this is not to say that i now use my rainbow to go down mountains--i have my pure blues for that--but i won't not do it just because they are a beautiful work of art.

    when you test your jeans limit, then you're also testing your body's limit. i like being active, and i prefer doing so with an organic and durable material. what better than $300 work-pants?


    i do not share the same feeling as everyone in the contest because i'm not in it. but i wouldn't compare getting fades to getting fender benders on a hot car. i think it'd be more precise to say rubber marks on the pavement, because fades on jeans look good while fender benders don't.

  3. good point, but if you wish to get in good health, then you exercise. be it at the gym or playing sports, the end objective is the same. however, if you obtain muscles faster, then you can start using them sooner. (i lingered too much with this analogy.)

    correct me if i'm wrong, but it seams that what is controversial is their means to the (shared) end. their respect towards an amazing craftsmanship is also in question. i believe that the time they spend attending to their jeans is a sign of respect. moreover, their means give life to an inanimate object. flagrantly horsing around spreads this life throughout the community.

    also, you buy a good car to go fast on curves and not spin out. you could also drive slow, but the potential is there. you buy a car with big wheels to go mudding, or you can only drive the interstate with the fear of getting it dirty. maybe the jeans weren't made to slide down mountains or rubble, but the potential is there.

  4. What irks me slightly on this is the lack of respect for their money and/or property these people have. Most people have to work damn hard to be able to afford what are pretty expensive items of clothing. To deliberately fuck them up seems plain odd.

    From personal acquaintance, I know these guys' actions are far from disrespectful. You should see how much time they spend admiring their jeans. Sunlight is no longer a warm feeling on your face, rather the perfect light to check your fades with.

    I value the wear they are giving their jeans as the best product research available--I want a pair of Full Count.

    Besides, they are just jeans; it's just money; the apocalypse is near: don't buy CitiBank stocks, gear up.

  5. i was merely trying to stir opinions and challenge arguments. but, to answer your question--assuming that it was directed to me-- I want to start a denim company using various types of fiber blends (e.g., sugar cane, bamboo, cotton), so the reason it sounds wacky is because there are many facets and by-products in a tropical forest.

  6. although buying real estate, even half a year ago, was a terrible idea, don't you think that investing in land is currently a good idea? you could probably get serious cash discounts.

    cash is king during these times, and if you have it, then you can find a huge clientele list. isn't the payback return on micro-loans around 99%? do you think this holds true during economic recessions?

  7. not for sale, sorry, but you may lease under ecologically sound conditions. if you have a business that you'd like to start, say, a denim company, then come work and survive off the land.

  8. DSCN7695.JPG









    care to invest in eco-tourism?

    +2,000 acres in tropical-humid forest of Nicaragua. Currently we have livestock (mainly cattle and horses), fruit-bearing trees (coffee, cacao, avocado, etc), and precious hardwood (teak, etc).

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