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Posts posted by selkies

  1. i was never given a full breakdown of the level of debt joe was in and most of the info that has been displayed in this thread is news to me as well as you guys. when i started i assumed that all the info that was given to me was the full story as i assumed there would be no hidden info between friends. as a friend i trusted joe and obviously my sudden departure is proof enough that certain matters were discussed and i wasnt happy with the outcome.

    the level of debt the business was in (that i was made aware of) when i left was in a very manageable state, so why would i come here to warn people?

    if i had any feeling of guilt or felt i had info to hide do you think i would post here?

    thats the last i will say, to suggest that im even partially responsible for joe owing you money is ridiculous.

  2. since when was i ever "partnered" with joe? i was employed as a sales assistant and nothing more.

    for me to be a partner i would have to have some kind of financial interest in the business which has never taken place.

    all debt that is owed to previous designers was accumalated far before i was hired and this whole augusta issue took place far after i left.

    if you want to keep including me then please get your info correct, i dont want to have to keep coming here defending myself because people think they know what they're talking about.

    im not joes gaurdian. its his business and at the end of the day the final decisions rest in his hands.

  3. hey jbone and everyone else who is involved in this.

    just want to make something clear here guys. i am in no way defending joes poor business practises. i find it quite disturbing that he owes forum members substantial amounts of money.

    if my name wasnt mentioned in the post that started this whole dilemma you would never have heard from me. i dont think the withhunt mentallity is the way to go about things and the personal remarks about joes mental state seemed a little too over the top. my remark about joe being shat on was directed to the person/people who passed on private information when they were given that information in confidence.

    to be honest im quite annoyed that i cant seem to shake the drama, i left the job because i needed to focus on my own career and 6+ months down the track i still find myself having to help resolve problems that i have nothing to do with.

    the people who are waiting to be paid back; you have every right to be pissed off and should do what ever is in your power to make sure you get every cent back.

    this will be the last from me as i feel ive said all that is necessary. good luck guys.

  4. Ivans.. I was saying that if Joe was prepared to take pre-orders he should of been confident in knowing that he would be receiving the product from the designer.

    And I was referring to the let's end never end email address.

    If I was owed 5k I'm not sure what I would have done, I personally think you have handled the siuation quite well ivans considering this is the only true info the public have been offered in regards to the situation.

  5. If it's purely about money owed then why make a timeline of incorrect information referencing people who have absolutely nothing to do with the situation?

    Let me make one thing clear, I understand never end owes some of you money. If you are prepared to do pre-orders then you have to be confident that you can obtain the goods, simple as that.

    The timeline and the extremely harsh email make it all seem like there is something else going on here.

  6. i dont know who has posted this and i dont know why you are so eager to bring joe down on a personal level but i feel some things need to be clarified.

    firstly. i have known joe since high school. i probably know him better than most people and for someone to come onto a forum and claim that he has a mental disorder.. well.. i think you really have to take a look at yourself and think really hard if what you're trying to do/prove is worth it.

    its obviously well known that i left never end. i didn't feel the need to discuss it with anyone here because it had nothing to do with any one of you. joe and myself still remain friends and i think that is proof in itself that joe is a great guy. further more, if you really want to know the reason why i stopped posting here... have a read through this thread. its the same boring shit over and over again. its fenrost copping ccp and you all drooling over the fact that he can cop ccp when ever he likes, the rest is taken up by ivans bitching about how his rick owens shoe laces dont look how he wishes, i like fashion but not enough to bore myself with the same shit over and over again.

    some people on this forum.... just take a look at yourselves. you were all too keen to try and get a cheap item but as soon as joe needs your understanding you shit on him.

    thats what you have done. you have shat on him and i know my opinion doesnt mean shit because i cant cop ccp and julius on an hourly basis but just remember joe isnt some avatar on a forum, he is a living breathing person and you have set out to destroy everything he has worked for.

  7. wow..

    what do i say here?

    firstly i have no idea how you gathered these facts, especially the one about me thinking about offering a financial backing considering that it was only discussed between joe, my parents, his mother and a couple of close friends who visited the store frequently. the fact that they actually passed this private information to yourself is extremely disgusting and better hope that we do not cross paths.

    the fact that it is displayed here in an open forum literally makes me ill.

    i cant stop you posting facts about joseph, because its the internet and you're pretty much free to do/say what you please. but how about having some respect for people that decided to move on for what ever reason and not post information about their private financial interests.

  8. thanks for the heads-up wept, I'd actually heard this from a few other people but nice to good from first hand experience. looks as though i'll be milking this car 'borrowing' situation for a while until I can make up my mind.


    50 you can pick up a fairly clean wrx for well under 30. ive only owned 2 cars but its going to be hard to get anything else besides an sti for my next car. looks awesome, perfect handling and can beat most cars on the road (if you know how to drive) only problem is their quite heavy on fuel if you like to put your foot down.

  9. So, I wore the Obscur all last night - for a good 5 hours and there is already a noticeable difference in the leather. The creasing has smoothed out and it is beautifully soft in some places.

    I do have the same shoulder issue that was high-lighted by beardown on SZ though. What are your thoughts - will that become less noticeable over time?

    mine still peaks on one shoulder, the other shoulder is fine and ive been wearing mine for a while now. it was quite extreme when i first put it on and it has improved but i dont see it changing much more.

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