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Posts posted by dl0st9

  1. photo.jpg

    pic while it was half way done.. full pic of it when it heals

    May I ask if that font has a name? I really like it and am looking for something similar for something I was wanting to get done.

  2. Ableton baby :) Synths used were:

    1) Sylenth1

    2) Prophet 08

    3) JX-8P

    FX Plugins:

    1) Bunch of Ableton shit

    2) PSP Vintage Warmer / Mixpressor 2

    3) IIeq pro

    4) The Glue

    What all compression/limiting did you use on the Master track, if any? Not to derail this thread into a production one, but your tracks sound great in all aspects of arrangement, sound, vocals, etc. along with production quality. I just noticed when I threw it into Ableton to mess with it and some other songs that the spectrum/levels didn't seem as high as other MP3's I've seen...of course we know how some artists like to over-compress stuff.

    Very,very good stuff though, guys.

  3. Hey,

    Looking to buy some Red Levi's 511s...can't find them anywhere online. Their site has them pictured for the dyed garment ones but they actually only have white, brown, and blue, no red...

    Looking for a 29x32 or even a 30x32 will work, preferably the 29x32 if possible.

    Thank you.

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