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Posts posted by simplysic

  1. <object width="480" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6soskiCuNZg?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6soskiCuNZg?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="390"></embed></object>>

  2. fuckin lot of fillet-o-fish billboards up all over the place

    its quite annoying considering the Fillet-O-Fish is my least likely choice among the entire menu. Subliminal advertising FTW.

    BK Jalapeno Cheddar burger though...nom x3


    Anyone know where could I try on Quoddy's in Toronto? the Boat Shoe to be specific.

  3. if they're sanforized, no you do not need to soak first.

    That said, a lot of people like to still soak their sanforized denim, because throwing them on half-soaked, helps set in the creases/etc., if you're into that..

    in re: to should you hem them. it's hard to say without pics, but generally speaking, are they too long?

    If they're too long, I would recommend you get them hemmed.

    Some people are into the stacking effect, which forms around the ankle from them being too long.The opposite, which I prefer, would be a hemmed straighter, clean silhouette.

    Thanks! I decided to not hem or wash. They were perfect with my boots on and stacking will account for some length as well so Im gonna stick with them.

    Since theyre sanforized too I'm not gonna wash. I wore them for the entire evening yesterday and theyll be just fine the way they are right now.

    Appreciate the insight.

  4. I'm 25 a month from now, I was 18 yesterday! wtf happened?

    at work- ive wasted my time working menial ass jobs like security, best buy and random temp jobs. lost my job over some bullshit and now im scurrying around looking for any openings I can find for some "financial consistency"

    at school- coasted thru HS, barely made an effort even to graduate. ended up at community college doing something i had no interest and then wasted more time by just not going to class. left school for a bit, joined back and failed to remain consistent at anything, let alone bother to see where my life is heading. i sit here right now looking at an empty barrel of options with NOTHING to look fwd to. all potential, no credential.

    social- been moving around the wrong circles since i moved to this shit hole since high school. pickin the wrong girls coz they close by and convenient, not to mention chilidish and easy to maniupilae.

    I'm 25 a month from now, I was 18 yesterday.

  5. the reminder:

    when hell freezes over, the fury chills, solidifies, remains...although severely less prevalent, it remains. what encompasses a major part of the anger space is the sadness, the loneliness, and the blinking. for in the blinking, tears are suppressed, memories arise semi-second-like and are felt with a (w)hole heart.

    it itches, my heart. it's an un-scratchable itch. while dreams are still as realistically no, as tactile as before, you appear less and less...oh but when you do...we repair or rather, you repair. it's like i can see you presently in dream as i still feel you presently in your departure...and it feels good yet it hurts as much as your inability to be what once was and could have been. friends tire of my lagging behind. the "get over" speeches impugn conversations often, but can anyone understand? do even i understand? in the mornings, my right leg twitches while sleep floats in that somnambulist state. it's when i think about things the most. it's when i feel the need to kiss you because we awoke in each others' arms. can anyone understand how cruel you taking away us was? how close we were to thanksgiving? is it logical to lament something so obviously over? no

    ...but when did logic factor into anything i did in seeing you that first day? you did in ceasing us? logic matters to me nary an iota. yesterday i had a car. you wanted me to get a car and i had a car, but had no you. as the wind's gale couple with torrential downpours it somehow conjurers up what i beg to suppress and what i long to eradicate: you. winter comes, winter's coming and i think of how we longed for the cold. i think of the time you grabbed me, held me to you and said "i need your warmth." what do you do on cold days now?

    once the snow comes things may only worsen. winter was the time. winter was the time. as time elapses imma move on and get over. i know that. time does that. yet daylight savings won't save me from this hold october's got me gripped tight in.

    i never dreamed you'd leave in winter/why couldn't you stay.

    beautiful, repped

  6. i cant stand people that tell me not to smoke coz it kills...i know, ive read the research..ill quit when i want to

    i hate it more when the same people that tell me not to smoke, drink and then ask me for a smoke!

    kindda hypocritical shit is that??

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