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Posts posted by samHDS

  1. Hi everyone!

    Been rocking my flathead 1001 for 3 months. i need to get my jeans hemmed. I live in asia and there sending the jeans out just for hemming is a hassle and not an option for me.

    I have read threads on chain stitching and i came down to two options,

    1) get a local tailor to get a normal hem

    2) i have heard that some tailors are able to cut the pants and sew back the original bottoms

    for the second option, will it affect the stacks or looks? because im only 5'7" and the jeans inseam in 36". way too long for me. been rocking them stacking and cuff with stacks. but as you know, the 1001 leg opening is ass wide.

    any advice?

  2. havent seen the double selvage since hap pulled that shit out in 05... nice

    after getting sent home from work for leaving some expensive ass equipment unlocked all weekend...


    vintage lee

    vintage timex




    Nice fit cheap. sorry to ask, anyone can tell me what red wing model is that?

  3. Hi all.

    I tried on a size 28 and 30(F310). managed to button both up. but size 28 is too small and tight and 30 is alittle loose through out the jeans.

    Ordered size 29(1001) at self edge. Should be coming within days. Was worried that the measurements on websites shows different measurements. Therefore, are the F310 and 1001 of the exact same cut?

    Another question would be. upon soaking, the jeans will shrink. However with wear. how much will the whole jeans stretch?(waist thigh knees). Do they stretch an extra inch or half from tagged size(Not from post soak measurements but pre soak)?

    Would appreciate any reply.

    Thanks a lot!

  4. Hi guys. im new to this forum. Just bought my APC about a month ago. New standard size 26. sized down around 3-4. im considering to have them hemmed. im about 5"6 130lbs.

    comments would b appreciated. thanks!




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