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Posts posted by AdrianLee

  1. i've worn my sexih03's for a month, and they've stretched about an inch in the waist and maybe .1 or .2 everywhere else? Also take into consideration that I sized down so they were tighter (thus attributing to more stretching) to begin with.

  2. No they're not. Im sick of hearing that. brian bchippendale is a average drummer.

    I don't like metal really at all, by the way. Don't get mad. Locust stink. Again, don't get maddmdmdmdmdmddadas (mad).

    lol, brian chippendale doesn't use complex technique but the way he plays is totally awesome, if you don't dig it, whatever... but please, tell me which average drummer sounds like him.

    and you're right, they're not the most technical band evar but their utilization of noise, speed and technique do it for me.

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