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sam scott

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Posts posted by sam scott

  1. Halifamous-

    There are no words for how incredible this book is. Hamsun would be taught alongside the great fathers of modern prose if only he wasn't such a jew-basher (this goes for G K Chesterton too, why sirs, why must you always hate the jews?).

    Hamsun may be guilty of bashing Jews, but Chesterton was completely misunderstood and if you did a little research you would see that he was right in all of his accusations.


    You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train: A Personal History of Our Times

    (Zinn is the man) get on that.

  2. certain ISPs will give the user at the least a 2 gig allowance to a popular usenet group such as giganews and i would recommend looking into it because it has tons of shit and its not the leecher/seeder setup either...its much better.

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