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Posts posted by jeenyus

  1. I had cat-piss once, and hands down, one of the best weeds I've ever smoked. Seriously. This was back when me n my boys used to go through 6-7 blunts a day (last year winter break) and when we smoked catpiss we were high for a good 3-4 HOURS. We'd be lucky if a blunt got us high for 30-40 minutes, but 3-4 HOURS?! Too bad my dealer ran out in like 2 days, everyone must've hopped on that shit quick.
    If my memory serves me, Cat Piss is a Sativa and is similar to Trainwreck. Great strain.

    shit's so good it don't even smell bad.

  2. also the business aspects are intriguing to me. It seems like a very good business by the numbers ive seen on wikipedia. if the state has recently legalized medical marijuana it could be a good move to fill the niche.

    if you're just getting privy now i wouldn't recommend going into the industry.

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