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Posts posted by acidophilus

  1. Don't many (if not most) people join the army to help them fund schooling? My dad would never have been able to afford law school if he hadn't been in the reserves. I don't think that anyone other than a small minority in the army are there because they're too simple to aspire to anything more, you condescending bitch.

    (and yes, i know I'm late haha)

    Girl, you're fat.

    And with that, I must leave as my work here is done. You may or may not see me around, you just won't recognize me.

    Hang in there, Conan. You'll get one eventually. :)


  2. you bitchmade. stop fuckin hiding. you're a girl that lurks and you need to make an alternate account? wtf is this. do you really think this deficient crap is acceptable?
    i'm a fkin mess...yea over a girl. i can readily admit this. unexciting right? update: i went out, but she pervaded my thoughts. i just want to see her again.

    Please do not take your emotions out on me. I'm merely posting under an alternate account for the fun of it. Just trying to shake things up a bit. And as an answer to the second quote, show interest and if it's mutual, go for it. Otherwise, back away because she most likely has her eyes on bigger sights (read: penises).

    gr8, so u will b the bitch lacin' up mah shoez

    In the last two photos of your outfits, your shoes have Velcro straps. Do you really need help with this? Or do you have a pair of Vans that you need assistance with? I think fg0d will help you as soon as he's done riding your dick.

    Try harder, people!

  3. i'll have your bitch lacin' up mah shoez

    Conan, it's okay: I feel for you. You cover up your inner feelings of insecurity by "condescending" into Internet speak (specifically, acronyms and adding "z" to the end of words with "s" or "es" as proper plural suffixes). Not to mention, the seemingly unconscious use of improper English that crops up in your posts makes your shit-talk less able to be taken seriously.

    Therefore, step-up your game by gaining some self-esteem and respect. Yes, this is ASCII text on the Internet, but the character of an individual does shine through when he takes the time to communicate via written words as he/she was taught in grade school.

    And to answer any questions, I'm a girl that lurks and this is my alternate account. All I'm trying to say is: it's ridiculous how you try to dish when you yourself are looking like shit in Vibskov leggings. And the same goes for you, Wayne Gibbous. You haven't posted a single outfit I've ever seen and, "Afghanistan: not by choice." Uh, bullshit. You're the one who enlisted and sold yourself as physical property of the Executive Branch. It's your fault you didn't want to aspire to anything more, and while you receive my thanks for this (and thus, enlisting), don't count on yourself being taken seriously because once again, you haven't posted any outfits.



  4. kunk used to get clowned ON in waywt all the time.

    the times, they are a changin'

    Simply stated, those who don't bother spitting hate but instead focus on their own look (as kunk75 has done) are those that garner the respect of the masses. That is not to say that kunk75 never hates on any looks or outfits; there is a fine line between having nothing better to do and putting a look in it's rightful place.


    Maybe this young boy can learn from the noble man that is kunk75.

  5. why does jmatsu attract all the cornball haters?

    Most likely because he's the single largest violation of the saying, "You can talk the talk, now walk the walk."

    To be downright honest, his fits are totally fine and there is nothing wrong with his body. And he can sure do a downright good job hating on those who deserve to be hated on, but there are countless people he hates on for no apparent reason... And THEN when he brings it into not what the person is wearing, but how their body is, then it may just cross the line.

    We all have imperfections, sure. But when he hates on thedaniway just for fun, or landho for not being as handsome as he (who, by the way, is "brave" enough to NOT post a picture showing his face) it's just a little dumb.

    This is my post stating, jmatsu, I feel for you. I understand you: you're hating reflects your own insecurities. Tonight, my friend, you have a shoulder to cry on. :)

  6. *yawn*

    Really? I get it. You say he has man boobs. Nice job. You couldn't just say this on your normal account? Maybe next time, J should stand crouched over, hands in pockets and pigeon toed for ultimate faux skinny pose

    Aw, c'mon. You know you laughed.

    (My other account is banned, by the way.)

  7. P1050570.jpg





    . . .

    one of my older fits.

    . . .

    While the picture was only posted one month ago, let's assume the picture is an older outfit. With the aforementioned axiom, let us also assume that your body type/style has not changed drastically.

    Therefore, I have a few questions:

    What size brassiere do you wear?

    How much can you bench?

    Or even more intriguing, how many babies can you breast feed in an hour?

    I've been searching for years to achieve an upper hourglass figure such as yours, and after two children, my breasts still don't maintain the shape and "perkiness" yours seem to do almost effortlessly. And, yes, to answer your question: I am a female.

    Please send me your secrets in a private message, if you do not want to share them too overtly.



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