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Posts posted by itaughthedi

  1. Sorry guys, this might seem like a stupid question (or multiple questions), but bear with me. I'm currently attending a prestigious 4-year university that offers a fashion design-like major. I've always been interested in fashion, but I'm currently seriously contemplating majoring in fashion design. Given that I go the fashion designer route, how hard is it to succeed in the fashion industry? I get this impression that most aspiring fashion designers that aren't in the top 1% starve and have terribly low salaries. And I hear it's very competitive/cutthroat. And there's the stereotype that all male designers are gay, and to back up their claim, people cite Tom Ford, MJ, Versace, etc. Just wondering, who are some prominent successful designers that are straight? Thanks in advance to any helpful advice/info-givers. And sorry if this is in the wrong forum.

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