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Posts posted by chickenboy16

  1. i think his point is the hypocrisy/futility of believing in gods plan, but praying for him to change it.

    To reiterate this post... Yes that is the point of JELLYJIGGLIN's post.

    JELLYJIGGLIN posted this on fb to troll the shit outta people( which worked: it incited a dumbass argument with 15+ people on his status/thread).

    He meant this post more along the lines of actually DOING something(donation text to Red Cross) rather than just praying.

    I hate this shit because he posted this literally when the first few hours the world starting "praying for Japan"... And did not give any regard to the current situation.

    Troll shit like this gets people VERY incited and pissed the fuck off(like what I accidently did and was misunderstood.)

    No, I don't believe this is God's Plan, and no I don't think this is some retribution for Pearl Harbor.

    Sorry for the misunderstanding

  2. Flabby ass arms.


    This fat chick in front of me in my econ class would raise her hand and ask a question... Then I'd bust up laughing and just leave the class in embarassment. Fuck.

  3. Its the potassium content that bananas have. However, I dont know from there. I dont exactly know how does potassium reduce cramps.

    On a side note, i just ran a cross country race. I'm getting my braces off after 3 years of torture of them in 2 weeks. Level of excitedness is unimagineable.

  4. To make my plan, I'm gonna have to make the following assumptions:

    -Zombies are the slow type. Limited motor functions, but have their senses( meaning sight, hearing, and smell).

    -There is is electricity, but NO running water.

    -There is no supernatural zombies out there, and the virus cannot affect other animals (Resident Evil Extinction Zombie Crow complex).

    -There was indeed a pre set warning about this via the news, internet, what not. I was just not gonna believe it till I saw it.

    -They die with the detachment, or the shutdown of the brain.

    #1 rule: prevention. If this is indeed the long term, I would want to fight THE LEAST zombies as possible. It's just a simple matter of using your resources and weapons as least as possible. Thusly, here is a pretty much the most simple breakdown of plan.

    Place:A suburb. I feel that it has the most balanced ratio of food+supplies, without it being too populated by zombies because of how where more people=more zombies. I would most probably choose a house and of course barricade everything. I would stock bottles and bottles of chemicals, specifically a chemical that would eliminate the smell of human flesh(I am Legend idea). Also, I would plan to have flesh corrosive bottles, and set it up in my sprinkler system. When theres alot of zombies wanting me, turn up the sprinklers and watch them melt. To minimize the zombies chances of thinking me as a target, I would not use electricity as much, and keep the house dark and solemn as possible. I would most probably set up a gym within the house to keep myself fit(Stay in fucking shape). Sure u have a gun. But hand to hand combat would be nice for emergencies when u simply run outta ammo. For food, raid houses nearby. and slowly expand out. There is also the supermarkets nearby any suburbs. Your basic pharmacies, general dealers, would have anything u pretty much need. Nothing too fancy.

    And yes, that would require me to move, but if planned, I would be able to get everything I need to remigrate to another house.

    Mode of transportation: A bicycle. They are quiet, don't require gas, and easy to repair and fix compared to a car. Easy to find(and bail and dead sprint when u need to) and access. If u get the right bike, you would be able to outrun any zombie. And, if i were to stay in shape, i would be able to bike for hours at a brisk pace if I made my daily runs.

    Weapons: EVERY GUN MAKES NOISE. ANY NOISE GETS A ZOMBIES ATTENTION. Thusly, I would have to resort to silencers. Yes, a shotgun can kill a zombie easily. but one shot= 10 more coming from the blast. Automatics and pistols with silencers would be good. As for melee, I would have to say crowbar, and a metal bolo stick thing. Btw, I would make it part of my everyday life to practice using these weapons at wherever I'm hiding. Learn how the weapon moves and feels. Become experienced with any weapon you're using.

    People: One person, Ideally. This would mainly be for the psychological affects of lonliness. If it was a loved one, all the better. If not, make a friend in this apocalypse. If he leaves you, not your problem. He/She will die. If people find me, I would have to measure their abilities in helping me.

    Clothing: From what I have seen, Zombies tend to have the biting plan. They grab you, open wide, and CHOMP! Game over. Thus, I would most probably have to wear a chain suit with metallic rings. This does make noise because of the rings clinging, but if I wore enough form fitting clothes, it could reduce the bounciness, and thus less noise. Legs would have to be some Jeans. I would wear some metallic ankle bracelets and some Nike Lunar Elites. They feel like your wearing nothing, and when you walk in them, the noise is minimal.

    Most of all, I would try to establish radio contact with the world. I would be able to find survivors, and, hopefully, find a save haven to where i could just break for there. But if that doesn't happen, rinse wash and repeat till I die from a fatal mistake or age.

    Theres more to plan, but forget it. Thats most basic from what I feel.

  5. Adrift- Cise Star


    I never understood things around me

    Never understood the inner till the hour found me deeper till I'm drifting slowly

    My mind and soul are lonely tried to listen what the preacher told me

    Pour me a drink please

    Make it double sir, yes I'm gonna tip you well

    Where Heaven and earth, pleasure, hurt, and love meld/

    Crazy talk? Nah nah this is a old religion

    Fuck the plasma televsion

    all I want is clearer vision

    yes I need somebody because the pain is open

    Pop only call when he need money chosen

    grown man but I need another

    so got damn wheres my fucking brother, yes I miss my mother

    this is a old religion

    a deeper meaning and teaching

    my eyes are open thinking

    the feeling is just believing


    like my relationship with others

    never get it right I'm too selfish undercover/

    wanna change my ways but it takes a long time but at least I am aware its myself I wanna find

    bring it to the upmost the strong will survive not the the strong in the arm but the strong of the mind

    treat you how i treat myself yeah I know the golden rule

    but if I treat myself like shit

    what am I to do to you

    treat you how i treat myself yeah I know the golden rule

    but if I treat myself like shit

    what am I to do to you

    Fuck the pretense and fuck the fakeness

    I see you like a ghost right through and changing faces/

    Double speak all the time and your message ain't clear

    The real reason that you talk ain't a blessing endeared

    We search space looking for life but can't even help the lives of those that hurting right here (here)

    So turn to soul searching

    The inner universes

    The span of god encompass the wonderful reverses

    The hurt is urgent insurgents are sitting in ya churches

    Emotional terrorists holding all the good for ransom

    Life is ugly so is death handsome?

    God is cruel so the fire burning

    Is this the higher purpose?

    I just can never get it

    Self became religion

    Wealth the circumcision

    Greed the proposition

    Watch it on television

    Muslim vs the Christian

    Fact and superstition

    We Talk but never listen

    I like to think we human but Some of the things we doing

    In the name of higher

    Power blood and fire

    Sitting by siddhartha by the edge of the river

    Listening eagerly to the voices the tide will deliver/

    Seeing my love flowing by

    Dragon vein in the sky

    Where heaven and earth will meet

    Watching icarus fly

    cycle of events

    Death and rebirth

    yin and yang is circling verse

    Born of dust return to the dirt

    So What is it now

    Yes the world suffused with sound

    Tune the earth till utopia found

  6. 1. The Unknown( applies to alot of things like whats in the dark possibly and just not knowing whats coming)

    2. African larvae. I had a nightmare one time that one jumped in my bed and it was hiding in my sheets. I woke up and like just dived out of bed.

    3. Every single horror movie made except Prom night( so horrible it was funny). I'm a wimp. I know.

  7. I have to read a 300 page book, do a project, a 2 page auto biography, 2 page comparison of 2 fucking books, and some quote log bs. All by Tuesday..... and the book i need to read isn't sparknoted.

    I need to put my dick in this situation.


  8. The super omega mobile suit gundam in Odaiba, Japan is amazing. However, the only thing it does in the "show" is move its head, turns its eyes on, and emits steam out of ass.

    I had to wait an hour in line just to get into the store to buy shit. Spent like 7K worth of yen.

  9. i always second guess myself when night time comes, i hate insomnia. i hope i'm making the right decisions in life.

    Another co-sign. I tried to go to sleep at 11 o' clock for cross country practice. Couldn't sleep till one. How stupid of me to make bad choices :(. Ended up waking up too late to go to practice...

    But i did have a good dream.. so its all good.

    Good thing I'm going to Japan and HK. Get out of the US.

  10. Also my random thought of the day.......i'm a corrupted individual

    :(. We all are somehow. Don't feel bad :D.

    my random thought: I just woke up from an AMAZING dream... and when i woke up... I tried to fall back asleep.. and i couldn't. DAMN IT.

    EDIT: the youtube video just loaded. I just got it. My bad. Fail.

  11. fuck that is so true

    it annoys me

    when I was younger I hated seafood (I'm a meat girl) and all family would eat is seafood..they'd heap tons on my plate saying, why don't you eat?? are you on a diet (wtf I was like ten) and so my mom goes no, she likes beef

    so they'd order a beef plate for me and I'd have to eat it all myself :/

    Wow. You're lucky whitney. peasantry status= Eat whats in front of you, or die.

    I Have a little 6th grader cousin in NJ that is spoiled as fuck. Whenever we go out to eat, she eats nothing. Only eats like a little of most common basic chicken(i.e. General Chicken) and that's all. Because the rest of the foods we eat she doesn't even like it, when she has never even tried it before.. And you know shes hella hungry(who isn't at dinner time), but just too stubborn to try something new. in the end, she always wins and gets to eat doritos and junk food for her substinence. Oh yeah and she never drinks water. Always Coke. Btw. shes getting a little bit chubby going into the 7th grade:eek:

    I'm glad I only have to see her every few years, because then I would have to destroy her to stay sane.:mad:

    rambling.. my bad.

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