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Posts posted by broken_dubz

  1. ^ Think I lived in UK for too long, where people are pathologically polite about things. 


    I remember complaining about my food at a restaurant once, and when I said I would like to speak to the manager, the rest of the restaurant became pin-drop silent all looking at the dude who was actually complaining about something. Didn't realise 'it just isn't done' in the UK, as my friends later informed me. 

  2. When you are walking at a brisk pace and encounter a group of people walking at a slower pace than you up ahead, but you can't get past because the pavement is narrow or it is a stairwell. You are forced to slow down to their pace but end up mingling with their group. Even more awkward if it is a family. 

  3. Sitting on bus/train and bending your legs underneath your seat, only to touch the person sitting behind you's outstretched feet in the space below you. Feels like a violation of personal space - but what is the etiquette?

  4. How do I fix the problem of an unstable wifi connection?


    I hear this happened to a lot of people since the last OS update, currently my connection drops out approximately every 2 minutes, a lot of the time after only a few seconds, then I have to turn it on and off. 


    I tried deleting the network connection from my list of networks, and deleted passwords etc from keychain but didn't help.


    How do I solve this?



  5. 3rd pair of internet shoes ordered - look nice and uncreased when you first take them out of the box, as soon as you put your foot in, the deep-worn creases from all the other assholes who have tried them on and returned them reappear. 


    Can anybody who has worked in retail shed more light on this? Im guessing with luxury items most people don't want to buy obviously shop-worn stuff, do they do the steam iron-on-towel thing?


    Also - fuckers on grailed who make offers and don't follow thru with PP. 

  6. yeah i heard about jaa bar off peel street a while back, i'm just out here looking for places to impress girls with next time i visit


    Check Ronin off some side-street in Soho-towards Sheung Wan if you are looking to take a lady friend. Theres a killer BBQ place (85 South) there also, but probs not best to be shoveling down ribs if you are trying to impress a chick. 

  7. who has experience with clubbing/eating @ dragon-i in central


    i have "connections" that can get me in easily, but i've heard great and terrible reviews (mostly from people who have trouble entering lol)


    The whole of Wyndham/LKF has turned into a fucking zoo, making even Wan Chai look civilised.


    My advice is to venture further into Soho, I dunno about clubs but there are some good speakeasies about these days.

  8. Just copped some Officine Creative boots brand new online (full price also), opened the box to find that the shoe-box was slightly ripped and that the right boot had obviously been tried on before, as the leather was already creased up compared to the left.


    My OCD is killing me - not sure whether to return them or not. I'm wary of telling the place I got them from about the issues with the boots lest they think I did it to the shoes. There is a label in the box saying that the returns policy is void if there are ANY signs of wear.


    I'm leaning towards straight up returning them because I'm not 100% happy, and at full price I would expect brand new stuff. Any suggestions?

  9. How his Bird(the restaurant)? Has anyone tried it?


    This place is OK. Chooks in Muswell Hill is far better. But, if you are only visiting, probably a really long and obscure way to go for fried chicken. In Shoreditch, Jubo and Onthebab do the whole Korean fried chicken thing (imo Jubo > Onthebab), but if you are from big city USA you are probably over this already.

  10. Got charged GBP 55 (plus shipping to Switzerland) to fix two small rips on my Mionn IS Blazer...


    Nevertheless, thinking about copping some of the Voronoi pants - will need to get them hemmed however, is the material amenable to hemming by a conventional tailor?

  11. A friend of mine just got engaged to his girlfriend. The kid is in grad school but his parents are extremely wealthy, and all his life he's been lavished with money, receiving an M3 in highschool, and just having access to capital a 35-year-old would envy.  Instead of being happy for him, or for her, I just...I don't know. I just responded with this horrible, terrible bitterness and kept talking shit about the ring (huge fuckin ring), the girl, the lifestyle...and rightfully got called out for it.


    It doesn't help that I'm working my ass off at 28  and know that he's just started his program and doesn't have the cash to finance his lifestyle and it's all his parents' money that's allowing him to live this life that I've been working for these last 5 years.  I know it's jealousy, but... jesus, I didn't know I had that kind of bitterness rooted so deep in my heart. 


    I moved across the country to a city I don't particularly think is all that great for school, gave up potential careers and just wasn't available for my family or friends most of the year and I feel that life is passing me by as I spend most of it studying or working.  I probably just need to talk to a shrink about this but #yolo. 


    edit: and honestly I don't know why I'm telling you fucks about this, but thanks for putting up with a wall of bullshit alcohol-fueled miasma.

    It's ok to hate, but like OJ Simpson said - don't call him a friend if you feel resentment towards him. Having recently dealt some of my own friends who were resentful towards me, all I can say is that the hatred is obvious.

    There are times that you want to think that surely nobody can have their cake and eat it as well, but the truth is some people are just blessed with everything.

  12. How much is shipping to Australia or Singapore?


    Each item will vary in shipping - e.g. the shoes vs the tee/shirts. 


    Also - Australia and Singapore are pretty different in terms of shipping costs.


    PM me with what it is you are interested in and where you are and I will get back to you with a specific shipping quote. 



  13. All items are located in the United Kingdom

    Prices do not include national/international shipping

    PM for offers, shipping/general questions etc.

    Sandro Paris Denim Jacket (size S)



    Faux-shearling lined body and collar, quilted sleeve lining

    Snap button closure

    GBP 170



    Harry's of London Basel Kudu Moccasin's (EU 43)


    Suede moccasin, made in Italy

    Vibram sole

    Brand new & unworn

    Comes with heavy-duty box and shoe bag

    GBP 180





    Supreme Upskirt T-Shirt (size L)

    Heather gray

    Intact graphic

    Slightly faded supreme logo

    GBP 15


  14. I get a kick from the looks I get whilst walking around in public after not shaving, grooming my hair and wearing bummed out clothing and then getting phone calls where I confirm my title as Dr. ... and start talking all technical.


    Or alternatively sitting next to ppl on the train who think you are some refugee and busting out a scientific paper or book about psychoanalysis.


    It proves just how fickle and superficial people in big cities are, when their preconceived attitude towards you suddenly changes after they hear you talk.

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