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Posts posted by m4d3lnchln4

  1. If your looking for contrasty fades, perhaps wearing them out more would do it, and if thats the case then go for a soak, 5 months is a good amount of time though, post some pics in the evolution thread :)

    as for washing, dont stress it so much theyre just jeans, wash them however you like, the hotter the more shrinkage and indigo loss, but i would just set to cotton sturdy with warm water, although if you want you can put it on gentle, and idk how dr bonners is in a washing machine, try it but i cant say if it will overflow with bubbles lol

    haha thanks again :)

    Hmm this is still a pretty hard decision....damn lol. Anyone else have any suggestions on whether I should hot wash or hot soak APC's at 5 months?

    edit: APCs also dont retain a lot of indigo do they? So if I want the end result to be a pretty contrasty fade, then it seems logical to soak them the first time around and them wash after a couple more months? Or if I wash both times would it look real light. I'm defintiely thinking too much about this lol...but any advice is appreciated

  2. I'm plannign to either soak or wash my NS in the next few days. I've been wearing them for 5 months pretty much everyday minus a week. They have stretched out way more than I like. Which would be recommended? I'm feeling like just soaking them for them to return to their original fit and keep wearing them for a few more months, but I would like some more contrasty fades as a final end result. Would washing be better? If so how do i go about doing it? I've looked on multiple threads and i've seen so many different ways that i'm confused lol. I think I just toss them in the washer, gentle cycle, and toss in a Dr. Bronners soap? Doesnt sound right though...Thanks in advance!:)

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