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Posts posted by TequilaWHATWHAT

  1. after i let them dry over night, they were still pretty wet today. tried them on and they feel GREAT. i love these jeans, man. $35 well effin' spent. i was always into jeans like APC, Dior and Diesel but once I put on 30 lbs (I was 100 when I first started to wear w26 Diesel) of muscle in the past year (from 125 to 155) I couldn't stand wearing skinny jeans anymore. I needed a jean that showcased my body better and made more sense. No more $200 plus jeans, man. Got a pair of regular 501s last week, some 514s and now some Rigid STF and I gotta say....w/ a plain white Hanes V Neck and random footwear, I've never felt better.

  2. Hey guys quick question -- the JCPenneys and Younkers I've been to *might* have STF but I cannot tell. Why? None of the tags/labels/etc. have the works "SHRINK TO FIT" furthermore, there were no "XX" after the size. Do STFs only have these characteristics? Or is it possible that they have neither? I really dont want to have to order from Levis website, man.

  3. anybody have any experience with the union Ts?

    they look incredibly badass and are definitely calling my name. i just don't know if i could fit one. i'm 5'4'' and 155 lbs -- and i've got big shoulders/chest/arms and back. i'm hoping that a small would suffice and wouldn't be too long.

    any help would be immensely appreciated. thanks!

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