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Posts posted by yachtrock89

  1. NAZI*

    I was at the counter demonstration for that lol.

    It's funny how for Shadow the badge is all black, reminiscent of anti-fa's all black uniform.


    The counter-demo was as big, if not bigger than the edl one. But I don't see vice reporting on that. They are giving them a platform, look at the comments below.

    Assuming vice isn't utter shit anyway. Which it is.


    Edit: There was another national edl demo in Birmingham a year ago (?) Which had 1500 people in it. Since then the fringe racists have all frittered away and it has boiled down to just 200-300 of the most hardcore vitriolic fascists from all over the UK. 

    Did you not read the fucking article...

  2. Really?  I mean, the UP print is the new TVU & N print, and now a Filth shirt is the *trendy* shirt-du-jour, but really, is there any problem with that? I wear a VU tee, at no point have I thought "Well, Lou Reed would probably think I was a wanker."  I mean, as long as he likes the album, or fuck, even the Saville print, to act as though that loses value to him through oversaturation seems like an oddly out-of-character comment.


    This is, of course, all idle speculation, but I would venture to guess that the hesitation stems from the fact that Ian Curtis would despise a large percentage of the people wearing UP shit these days, and that they would have probably disliked him as well. If something is "played out" it basically means that the stupid, lazy people have gotten a hold of it, and that you look stupid and lazy for wearing it as a result. It's a pretty simple concept.

  3. sv4usGEl.jpg




    Here fit pics. These are L, Im 6ft 85ish kg atm. jean size is 32.  Its hard to see the details so I bumped exposure and contrast a bit which makes them look washed out but they are black.


    I agree with homi, Not all that special but good for $40. if you were looking for some sweats anyway may as well get the fashiony ones.  

    Trying to decide between an L and XL in these. Would you say you've got skinnyish legs? Worried these would have the long johns effect on my massive lower half

  4. What's everyone's opinion on the Vibram Cristy outsole for hiking/extremely light backpacking? Not exactly going to be scrambling up ravines but there will probably be some off trail hiking...


    Really want the Mountain Light Overtons but I'm worried they're going to be a dumb impractical decision. Leaning towards these even though they have 0 aesthetic value:



  5. ^ do it! Definitely worth your time. 


    Gallipoli is certainly front and center in the Australian film cannon. Most people watch it at school, and its stalwart of Australian film classes at uni, I did my major assignment in an undergrad aus film class on Weir. Even though its so overtly nationalistic its on of those events that for whatever really defines the "aussie" spirit, so its pretty much generally held that if you're Australian you like it.


    Personally I think its fantastic, and it was one of those films that really grew on me. Weir is a genius if haven't seen Picnic at Hanging Rock, The Cars That Paris and The Last Wave I highly recommend all of them. His ability to create a really dreamy kinda out of this world vibe in his earlier works is fantastic. Not such a fan of his more recent ventures. 


    Plus with Jarre doing your soundtrack you cant lose!

    Seeing Gallipoli really put a new spin on Master and Commander. So odd for him to make a pretty straightforward British Military film considering his portrayal of the British in the film, even if he's obviously become a creature of Hollywood in his old age and less of an "Australian" director. Really want to see Picnic at Hanging Rock btw, it sounds fascinating.


    On styleforum sporadically; I find that place a bit stuffy. This thread probably is my most favorite there, but I am partial to the what are you reading and what what are you listening to threads.



    Just saw this on tv the other day. First Von Trier film, and I'm into it. So many beautiful scenes. Where should I go next? The wikipedia entry for Antichrist is more than a little off-putting. Dogville?????


    Also apparently he's already made a new movie called "Nymphomaniac" and it's starring Shia Labeouf????? I like Shia but whaaaaaaaa

  6. Well I guess it was my first taste of Lynch 6 or 7 years ago so its probably always going to be special in that sense and Lynch is definitely one of my most loved directors. 


    In terms of specifics I think Blue Velvet examines that "dark undercurrent in the picturesque all american town" in an almost pitch perfect way, and its a theme that is super recurrent in almost all of Lynch's work. It also seemingly blends some really polarizing qualities in an effortless way, its visuals are really striking (like in all his work) and its dark and seedy, and very "lynchian" in a classical sense, but then there is also that really melodramatic mid day tv vibe, camera lens dripping with vaseline etc etc, as well as some genuinely funny moments!

    Tried to watch it on the Sundance Channel the other night, got to the Dennis Hopper scene and was like "fuck this I'm out" because I needed to go to bed anyway and just couldn't deal. It was one of the first movies made in my hometown so seeing what everything looked like in the mid-80's was probably the most interesting thing about it. Definitely need to devote some time and attention to a proper viewing.


    Also Jackg I'd love to get an Australian perspective on Gallipoli. Do you like it? How famous is it there? I'm curious to know if it's like beloved or dismissed due to its overtly Nationalist themes (really liked it btw.)


    The Believer:


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