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Posts posted by derdeutscher25

  1. Soo I have a minor dilemma and I thought that this would be a good place on sufu to come for advice. I've got my first xc season coming up and I'm confused as to what kind of weight training I should be doing to supplement it. I started distance running this past track season and made very little gains. During this period however I was also doing a weightlifting program through the school four days a week that I've kept up for the past 2-3 years. The program really focuses on increasing max weight lifted and works a lot of compound exercises (benchpress, cleans, squats, pullups etc). It basically consisted of lowering reps and increasing weight every week until we test maxes again and I always felt pretty fatigued for the afternoon runs. This summer however I've obviously been able to cater my weightlifting more to my running schedule and I've made serious cuts on my times (probably as a result of this). While I want to continue weightlifting (don't wanna be a frail little flower of a distance runner), the program is very rigid regarding the workouts and I'm afraid that I'll be stuck in a rut with my running again. I'm tempted to keep it up though because that time slot at school would really be the only one for weightlifting. I guess what my question really boils down to is whether or not I can maintain my muscle mass and definition while still improving my running times (800m to 5k). I've had people recommend crossfit to me but I would really only be able to do that on weekends. Were I able to alter the program (highly unlikely) what would be best. I could easily nix the program but I know I'd be like 125 pounds by the end of the season. Anyways I'm sorry for this huge chunk of text but any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated

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