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Posts posted by Snipe

  1. Just out of curiousity - do ALL 710BK 19 oz have the hidden arcs? I got mine from 2nd along with a pair of 5000VX21's, and while the VX have stitched arcs, the BKs are hidden.

    Just curious.

  2. So I’ve searched this thread fairly extensively and apologize is this is a uber noobie question, but I recently got a pair of S710BK’s and S5000VX’s from e2nd (They’re GREAT by the way – no proxy – a little tough to deal with just due to us both using Google Translate / Babelfish – but keep the English simple and they’ll get it right).

    My question is in regards to soaking. From what I’ve gathered, I should soak prior to wear and the temp is really just dependent on how much I want them to shrink correct? After that just hang dry and start the break in? Again, apologies, but I’ve only rocked Nudies to this point, so I know little about unsanforized denim.

    Any help is appreciated and again, I tried to search / read – but didn’t come up with much.

    Thank You

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